Friday, October 26, 2007

I have to get these for my baby sister

We were at Toys R Us today by the shoe section. I then got a phone call. I could hear him say something about baby shoes. Then after a min I look in the cart and say what are those? He said they are for my baby sister. AWWWWW This was so out of the blue. We haven't even been talking about it. Well they were not these pictured above, they were a navy and tan pair for a boy. So I told him that those were for boys and our baby sister wasn't coming for a long time. He was extremely persistant that he was going to get a pair of shoes for his baby sister. How could I resist. He just came up with the idea all on his own. So we ended up with these! Aren't they just the cutest? There was something the other day he was saying about her too but do you think I could remember? Mommy Brain!

I am dying to buy more girl stuff but I try to resist as much as possible. I am sure once in a while I will buy something. I still try to stay out of the girls section. I just don't know what age she will be so sizing and season is hard.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Having fun with Halloween

I have been busy the last week but with nothing exciting. Just trying to keep my sanity around here.
Fall things we have done so far. We did got to the pumpkin patch last week. Of course it rained the night we went, but not too bad. We still had fun.

We got a nice big pumpkin there. We carved it last Friday. Jack was excited, but he wouldn't tough the guts. He did help pick out some of the seeds, but otherwise after a few minutes, he was done. Here is is with his pumpkin.

Lets see, we also went on a leaf hunt. Looking for all different shape leaves and colors. Then we came inside and made pretty collages on colored paper. He had fun. Of course he keeps asking to do it again. On Mon, we made our halloween butter cookies in different shapes with sprinkles. I have no pictures of those since we ate them all. Of course my picky son won't even taste one. He is so strange. He even had fun making Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies a couple weeks ago, but again wouldn't even taste them. Who doesn't like chocolate chip cookies, especially tollhouse!!!

This weekend on of T's cousins is having a huge Halloween party for all the kids. Pony rides and everything (loaded) Although it is suppose to be 57 and rainy. Gotta love fall weather!

J is obsessed with pumpkins. We have 3 bigger ones and he has 7 of the tiny ones. He puts them in the back of his dump truck and rolls them around the house. I finally had to use the "take the pumpkins away" to get him to stay in bed last night. It worked! He 5 of them taken away the night before because he gave me the "I have to pee" excuse to get out of bed. I told him so I took 5 of them. He was not happy yesterday when they were on top of the fridge. So I said if you stay in bed tonight you can have them back he next day. So this morning I was in the bathroom getting ready when he got up. He didn't even say good morning...I got "I stayed in bed all night, do I get my pumpkins back now?" How funny! I said, "well good morning" he said "good morning mama, can I have them back now?"

Back to Halloween. He keeps pulling up all the blinds to look at the lights in the windows. He want to keep opening the front door to look at the big pumpkin outside. This morning he had to go say goodbye to it before he left for school. He tells me everyday about 3 times he is just so excited for Halloween. Although I think he thinks we are going back to a pumpkin patch on halloween.

Well I guess that is about what we have been up to!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tired of Listening to Myself

I am giving myself a headache just listening to me. J is just out of control with the non-listening. How many times to I have to repeat myself. How angry of a tone do I have to have to have him even act like he hears me. I get absolutly no respect from him. I know he is only 3 but come on! He can't listen, ever? I keep telling people that he never listen to me. They shake their head like, oh ya I know. Do you? Do you really? When I say never I really mean NEVER EVER EVER! It isn't selective, it as if I don't exsist. Who am I? Oh ya, I am just the one who feeds you and bathes you and loves you...but that is don't have to listen to me. I just love to talk to myself. I really have to stop jumping off couches and standing up in my chair and getting down from the kitchen table every time I am sitting at it just so I can stop telling myself to stop doing these things. AAHHHHHHHHH! I am an irrate bitch right now cause I can't take it anymore. Even my mom, who thinks he is just cute and adorable was like, "what is his problem?" today when we went over there. Oh and the best part is that now his favorite saying is "I don't like you!" This is when he doesn't get his way. I know it doesn't mean anything...but it just stings a little. Thank you very much!

I always knew that toddlers were hard, but this one is just a pistol. I see some of my friends. Ya their child may not hear them on the first or second try, but usually the get it. My son would rather throw down and see who is going to win this battle. I am just tired of fighting all day. Does anyone have any advise for me? HELP!

If you got this far...thanks for reading my rant. Just needed to get some of it out. Now it is time to go get the little shit up from his nap....thank god he still naps!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Why it is so hard sometimes

Last week J was sick so his schedule is all messed up and he was "allowed" do get away with a few more things. So now it is time to button down and get back to the way it was. So I have had two days of fighting with him. He won't go to bed. He is getting out and playing games. "I'm not tired" "I'm hungry" (well if you would have eaten anything in the last week you might not be) but of course he is only hungry at 8:30 at night and not the rest of the day. I told him the other night if he got out again I would spank him. That was after 4 times. Last night it was 3..I gave in and gave him yogurt. Tonight I thought it would be better. Got him up earlier this morning so he could go down for an earlier nap. So 8:30 night time. Thought he was tired. All I am getting is games. He got out twice and I finally had to do what I have been saying all along. I gave him two wacks on the bare butt. He is up there crying and I feel awful. I know many of you don't spank. I really don't either. But this kid is such a hard head nothing works with him. I don't hardly ever cry and this made me cry. The only sound I hear right now is him saying mommy over and over again and saying I am hungry......... Ok I just went up there to console him a bit and try to explain it to him. He is the type of child that needs things explained fully to have them sink in. He did stop while I was up there but is crying again. Man does he know how to push buttons. I am not going up there again. I just told him that if he is so hungry maybe tomorrow he will eat all his dinner. That night time is just that. No games, food, drink allowed. Should I put that on his door like a retail store?

The best part of this is that I am always the bad guy. T is never around. He is usually at the warehouse..or tonight...he had felt so left out of Monday night football at the neighbors he had to go. Could he have stayed around for a few min since I told him he has been playing these games? Oh no...he had to work out and leave. So again I am the bad guy. The only guy! So I am left completly irrate and spank my kid. Thank babe!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Change in Plans...again!

You are all going to think we are nuts…but we are NOT going to do the domestic adoption now. I have too much time invested in China and I want my little China doll more than anything. Even if I have to wait 2 more years for it, that is what I want. There were some other personal factors involved in this decision as well. The one exhaust business just started taking off and come spring we think it is going to be so busy. I wouldn't be able to handle all that work and a newborn. Getting the debt down these businesses needs to be firt priority right now. So financially it would be very irresponsible. There were so many different reasons why we thought we wanted this domestic adoption like the age between kids, our age, etc, but there were parts of it that never felt right. After Jack was born I had a picture of how my family would look and it was us and our two Asian children. I know that I have a bond to a daughter in china and one day I will go and get her. My red thread (read the chinese proverb to the right of the blog) I dont know why it took me so long to figure it out.

Now I just have to convince my attorney to refund at least part of our retainer! LOL She wasn't thrilled when I told her and she wanted to think about things and call me next week. She was busy trying to wrap up a few other things. If you knew her you would know that this is her excuse all the time. We gave her $1500. Even if she gave us back 1000 I would be fine. This is only the 4th week we are with her and she hasn't even shown our book that we know of so she really hasn't done anything. So we will see.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Today is a holiday

Happy Crisstaliss Columbus day!!! His teachers taught him that in school. When we corrected him and told him it was Christopher. He just said "No, it is Chrisstaliss!" Well alrightly then

Happy Crisstaliss Columbus Day!!

Me: What did Chrisstaliss Columbus do?

J : he discovered new land.

Me: How did he get there?

J: In a big ship

Pretty good! At least I know he is learing in preschool. Even if he doesn't agree with his name.

Speaking of which I have to keep him home from tomorrow. He has had an on and off again fever since Sat. Last night he threw up a bit in his bed and never woke up. I went in at 12:50 AM turn off a light and was like PU! Oh smells like throw up. Mind you my child has yet to throw up. I have been blessed. It wasn't much and just liquidy. But it was enough to have to strip the bed and the blanket and throw him in the shower because he was laying on it. Eww! DH wasn't home so I was doing it all solo. J just wanted to know why I was changing his truck sheet when it was dark outside. he just kept saying can I go back to bed now? He was a trooper and went right back to bed. Hopefully this passes soon. He isn't acting too sick.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


To clarify referrals. Referrals are when you get to see your baby for the first time. It has the pictures and any related information. Referrals are given out by your LID (log in date in china). My LID is 12.25.06. When they send a batch of referrals they do them by LID's So the big question every month is how many LID did they do at a time. in 2003 they were doing 30 days worth. At one point from getting your LID it was an 18 month wait. Then they started doing 60 days at a time and the wait went down to 6 months. Then, kinda like the supply and demand theory, everyone and their brother decided to adopt from China. So the paperwork got worse. less babies, etc. 2005 ended up being so huge for LID's that it has taken forever to get thru. They have been working on Nov. 2005 LID's. They had so many LID's that it has taken them 6 months just to get thru Nov 2005. Referrals only come once a month, usually around the first week of the month. One month only 2 days of referrals were sent. This last time 5 days worth. LID's 11/26/05 - 11/30/05. Everyone is hoping that once they get thru the 2005 dates that there will be a speed up and we will hopefully be seeing more days in a batch. There is a site with all kinds of rumors on it. The woman who runs it takes polls of LID so that is how we get our ideas of how many people are logged in one month. Only time will tell.

Hope that helps!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

That kid!

Do you remember from school that there was always that kid in class that got bloody noses all the time? That is my son. He mostly gets them while he is sleeping. I think he gets them when he is sleeping with is butt up in the air. Therefore his face is smashed down in the bed and the blood is rushing up toward his face. (kinda) This is always a lovely mess, some worse than others. Of course there isn't much I can do at 5:15 AM (like today..of course he also didn't go back to bed) What's a little dried blood? Last time there were only a few marks so I just left it until sheet changing day. Too gross? Nah!

Referrals are in for China. 5 DAYS! Nice. There were actually pretty good rumors that there was going to be 10 days, but that wasn't true of course. Also heard that there was one agency that had LID's in this group that got skipped. That sucks.

I shopping today to get some outdoor halloween decoations. It is not my favorite holiday but Jack is starting to really get into it. He loved all the decorations one of my neighbors had so I figured I would get some. I got those light up things you can put in the windows. Also strings of lights with pumpkins on them that you put in the ground along your walk way. I still want to get some sort of light up pumpkin, but haven't found one I like. I don't have to get it all this year. I like things simple! I have a few decorations for the house. They are more fallish than halloween. Gotta love window clings too! I'll have to see if I can get a pic of what it looks like at night.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My mind is blank

I am posting, but about nothing. Just have those days that you just go thru them. Nothing exciting happens, you are crabby. You just wish it was over so you can go back to bed or relax quietly in front of the TV. It is early and I already want to day to be over. No reason really. My monthly friends is coming and I am just a crank. Plus all I want to do is eat but feel SO fat. So I am trying to put it out of my mind which is making me more crabby. Aren't you glad you decided to read this today!

Nothing happening with the adoptions. Referrals are due any day now for China. It may be 5 days or 10 days. There are all kids of rumors out there. China also has a review process for your dossier. The only good news with the whole thing is that they just finished reviewing thru Aug. 2006. So with my Dec 2006 LID my review is getting closer. What is the review?... they just look over your file and make sure that you acceptable to adopt. So it is a good step to get thru.

I called my attorney today and she was finishing up a few things and said she would get back to me in a day or so. I think we might run an ad in the paper. I didn't get to ask her how things were going. She has been busy with a few births.

Thats all for now. I have to go pick up the little man from school.