Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What is up with the weather??

Yesterday 82, hot, sunny and humid. I had to turn the AC on becuase the house was so hot. Today when I woke up it was 44 degrees. Right now at 1:26 PM it is 47. I have the heat on.

So what the heck happened you ask??? I got a new one for ya that I am sure you haven't heard of. I have lived here for 37 years and have never heard of it. We had what was referred to as a "Pneumonia front" come through here last night. What is that you ask?

As quoted on Wikipedia

"A Pneumonia front is a rare, meteorological phenomenon observed on the western Lake Michigan, USA, shoreline during the warm season. These fronts are defined as lake modified synoptic scale cold fronts that result in one-hour temperature drops of 16 degrees F or greater.[1]

This extreme change in temperatures can result in a flash severe thunderstorm and/or a microburst capable of affecting the structural integrity of weak buildings such as barns and sheds. The drop in temperature has also earned this meteorological event the title "pneumonia front." Of course, this is erroneous as it does not directly cause pneumonia. The cold weather is usually short lasted and pneumonia does not have a high likelihood of manifesting itself in the lungs of people who experience the event.[2]."

We have the bad wind, but we don't have any storms. I have the weather channel on my desktop. It was flashing last night as it does when there is a weather issue (also for amber alerts). It stated that this pneumonia front was coming in and I have to say I seriously thought for a second that a huge plague of pneumonia was coming in! Then I read it again and was like ok, that is strange.

We are suppose to be back in the 70's by thurs. CRAZY!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Nice Long Weekend

My weekend started out on Thursday. We went to an indoor water park in WI for the night. We came home on Friday. We had gone there last Nov. Munchkin just loves it and is quite the little fish. This was part of his birthday present. Also, we really needed some time together as a family.

Yes these are with daddy only. Mommy doesn't do the large tube slide(or pictures in her bathing suit)!! {note to self..get a tan} Just not my favorite. There are like 100 stairs to get up to this things and he goes up them I don't know how many times. Man I wish I had that kind of energy!! It was a fun time!

The weather around here ended up being pretty nice all weekend. There was threat of rain during the day, but only got some last night. So we had fun doing things outside. Daddy and Munchkin played a lot of t-ball. He really needs some practice at that. Doesn't want to follow direction very well. We didn't do anything else really. Just worked in the yard a bit, ran some errands and played. It really felt like Mr. T spent some quality family time with us this weekend that was much needed. Of course that comes at a price...we sold a ton of stuff and are now behind! What else is new!!!

Munchkin got a flyer in his backpack from school last week about a special at a local Karate place. I have debated karate before but just wanted him to be a bit older. Since I have seen quite a change in him I thought hey why not give it a try. So Wed we went for a trial class and he loved it. So I think we are going to do that. It is 4 weeks and you are suppose to go 2 times a week! I also him him starting in a swim class June 9th for 2 weeks and a sport sampler class that is on Mondays for 6 weeks. Sheesh...June will be busy. I don't have anything else planned for the rest of the summer though. I have been looking at some park district classes to take in July or August. Then the church where he goes to preschool is having a vacation bible school for a week at the end of July for only $25. Sign me up!

His preschool ended last week. I have asked my mom to keep taking him one day a week and then I asked my MIL if she would watch him a few hour one day. I have to still be able to work some days. I don't want him to feel like mommy is on the computer all the time when he is around. It is hard enough when he is home on the off days. Sometimes I have to make some phone calls so I have to have a show on or bribe him with chocolate to be quiet for a few minutes! I feel horrible, but sometimes I just have to.

Well, besides all that, nothing is really new with us. Just slowly getting into the gear of summer. It has to officially warm up. Tomorrow is only suppose to be 57??? I did get a sunburn today though!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Where is it?

Where did all the the stuff go on the bar to the right? It is still on the page in my layout...wonder why it isn't posting? Anyone have a clue?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

Ok so I am a day late, but can't we wish that every day? Hope you had a great day.

Mine was very nice despite the horrible weather. It was pouring for hours and cold and windy! It did clear up by the later part of the day.

We went to breakfast in the morning...which is a nice change...we never go out for breakfast. Of course going out on the day that everyone else does creates a bit of a wait...but it wasn't bad. We put our name in then went and got a starbucks for Tom and came back. Then we went to my MIL for a bit. Came home for a couple of hours then went by my moms for cake. I made the gift really easy for Mr. T. There was a polka dot coffee mug at the grocery store with an ivy plant in it. I really just wanted the mug, but a plant is good too. I had a cute red pot already to put it in. Then Munchkin picked out a huge ballon for me of a giant rose. This thing is almost 2 ft. wide! Mr. T said that after he picked it he went running thru the deli section and ended up hitting everyone in the head that was waiting at the deli counter! ROFL! I would take pictures of it but the camera is at the warehouse. They went out Sat night to get it and I had them get me a Dairy Queen blizzard on the way home...yummers!

Munchkin has been in the "non-listening" mode the last week or so. I have really had it. Then when he doesn't get his way then he gets angry and grunts and whines. I have had to get tougher and put him in the naughty chair more or take things away. Don't think it is working.

Hope you have a nice week!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

A few more

Ok here are few more of my birhtday boy! I can't resist.

Here he is with the crown they gave him at school.
After school we went to McDonalds with 3 of his friends. I forgot my camera. My friend Sandy took a few pics but I don't have them yet. He just relaxed when we got home then was playing outside for a bit. Daddy tried to get home earlier but was stuck in a meeting so we ate dinner really late. We were going to go out for ice cream but it was getting late and he was getting cranky. Auntie Debi wanted to stop by and give him a card so she ended up brining us the ice cream. We had him shower up before that and his few presents.

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