Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Week of Firsts!!

Last weekend the 20th we went to a kids party at Haunted Trails. It is just one of those game places where you play skee ball and all kids of games for tickets. Then you get cheap prizes at the counter. They also have go carts outside. Jack got to go on his first one. He wasn't quite 42" but they let him go. He did have a little trouble trying to hit the gas peddle. He went two times. He said "I drive like a professional!"

Then Friday we finally took Jack on the Metra train downtown. He has such a good time. He had his first Metra train ride and then his first Taxi ride. We took the taxi to Navy Pier. It is a big attraction place. The weather was just beautiful. We really have had a great couple of weather weeks. We also sat outside and had a nice dinner. Mommy and Daddy enjoyed a couple cocktails! It really felt like the "end of summer" outing for us.

Ok today we were just hanging out and Jack said the funniest thing...I just had to share. Jack was in the family room by the coffee table just standing there. Then he says..
J - Mom look at me
M - What?
J - I am smashing my peter (penis) on the table.
M - Jack stop.
J - but it is big and long. Its long dick dong!
I had to leave the room to laugh hysterically. Oh we have all seen Sixteen Candles and know "long duck dong". Well about year ago I had said that for something being silly. You know we all quote our 80's movies. Well he thought it was silly and starting saying it. He would say it all the time. But when he said it, it came out "long dick dong" and he would repeat it over and over again. I tried on many occasions to correct him but it always comes out that way. So hence the "long dick dong" Lets hope he doesn't say it in public some day.
School is going well. He really likes it. They do a letter a week. They are on "C" this week. My mom picks him up on Mondays so I can get some work done. Then I go pic him him later. My MIL takes him sometimes another day. Just depends on the week.

Friday, September 19, 2008


We went to the zoo yesterday. It was one of those perfect weather days. Just beautiful. Also since all the kids are back in school no crowds!! Just wonderful. I let Jack bring a friend with him, his buddy Jimmy (Jimbo)

What is it that you ask if they want to sit in a wagon so you spend the money renting one then all they do is pull it and not actually sit in it. That was a waste of $8.00. Man the zoo is expensive. I know I should eat before or bring my own stuff. I just hate carrying big bags and all kids of stuff with. Since it was my only time at the zoo this year I figured we could just go all out. But not cheap I tell ya.
Still on the list before it gets cold is the train museum and the train ride...We will do it!!!
All of a sudden we have been bombarded with birthday parties. A couple are family, neighbor and a few friends. Man I do not have the money for all this. I am trying to save for Christmas. This summer between my water bill for watering the grass (I refuse to have brown grass) and my AC bill I am broke! I still need to get some new fall clothes for me and Tom. Jack is all set except for his winter coat. I bought some stuff and then my wonderful Mom bought the rest. She usually buys a good chunk of his wardrobe. Gotta love MiMi!!
Gotta run for now!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Drying out!

Well after about 8 inches of rain this weekend we are starting to dry out. We were very lucky we didn't have any flooding. There are areas around here that are just flooded to death. It rained non stop from Friday afternoon through about 3:00pm on Sunday. It was crazy. We got the left over of Ike Sunday. So it was a pretty gloomy weekend. I did manage to catch one bit of beauty...

This guy I think was trying to stay dry and was clinging to the screen for a while.

In this one you can really see how wet the poor guy was.

Sunday I decided since football was on that would be a great time for mommy to leave the house! My mom and I went to the mall. I had to get my free panty at VS! I have a really hard time finding jeans to fit me. I am short and have a butt and good set of thighs. I decided to try Eddie Bauer. I found a pair I likes. Mommy bought them for me! hee hee! Thank you mommy! Then I had decided about a month ago that I was going to buy myself a nice purse for Christmas this year. Not a cheapy from Kohls. I deserved a good purse! I swear I think I buy everything else from Kohls, target and Old Navy. So we looked at Macy's (it will always be Marshal Fields to me) and I found this one.
It is an Etienne Aigner. I have to have a black purse. I just do. Then my biggest challenge is one with sections. Why is it that most women's purses are bottomless pits, meaning one open space that everything falls to the bottom and you can't find anything. I think most women buy purses for the brand or the look and don't think about how their "stuff" will fit in it. My purse has to be organized a certain way. I cannot stand purses where I have to dig for things. The front here has two separate pockets. Then the back has one. Then the inside has 3 sections. I was giddy with excitement I tell ya. I know I sound like a dork but you really can't find that many purses with sections. So in all my excitement somehow mom bought it for me for an early x-mas present. Thank you again Mommy!! I love you! I then had to take something back at Old Navy (told ya) and ended up buying a couple t-shirts with a coupon. So Sunday turned out to be a good day for me! I needed one!

Now my husband is home with strep throat. Please hope that I don't get it. He kept groping all weekend but I was like back away buddy...I am not getting sick.

Also, my friend Kelly is ok. She is in Houston at her Aunts. Without electric and their generator broke. It isn't fun. Her house is still there but has some damage. They are telling them it might be a month before they can get home. Hopefully they can get things cleaned up before that. Please say a prayer for them.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Dear Hurrican Ike...

You are big and mean and scary. You be nice to my friend Kelly's house. She is good person and doesn't deserve her house to be ruined by you. She just increased her family by 2 with two foster children and I can't imagine what they are going thru. They are hopefully safe at their Aunt's house in Houston. Please don't let her loose her house.

Prayers also go out to everyone else that is being affected by this storm as well. It just looks so bad!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

First Day of 4 yr Old Preschool

Well my little guy had his first day of school today. He did just fine. I walked him into class instead of the drop off since it was his first day. Some of the kids got up to greet him because they missed him last week. It was too cute. Here a few pics

Here he is when we first came down stairs. He was telling me he was to ty ty to go to school.
Daddy, save me from the camera lady! These are my 3 boys!
Ok, just about ready to go.
He said, I don't like these darn backpacks.

I had to add a cute thing he said last night. He was asking me if he could watch this one train video for the umpteenth time after dinner. Here was the conversation.

J.....Mom can I please watch it after I eat
M...Jack you have been watching too much TV since you were sick.
J....Well, Chinese people watch too much TV
M...Umm, no they don’t
J....Well this one does

I about fell out of my chair in laughter! It was more in the delivery of it. The things they come up with.
Since I was downloading pics I found this one. This was from a week ago Sat when I couldn't find him and found him asleep on the couch...he woke up with his 103.5 fever. Isn't he cute?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My New Look!

I have a new look!! How do you like?

A friend of mine had her blog redone after she lost part of it. Turns out it was this 13 yr old girl named Ashton who did it. She did such an amazing job that I said hey why don't I get one! The best part is that she doesn't charge anything!!! Here is her site I thought she was crazy for not charging anything. She now is asking that you make a donation to Love without Boundaries for her work if you want to. I think this is a wonderful idea for a 13 yr old! She is an amazing girl. She has a little sister from China that she is so in love with. It just melts my heart!

I just hope she doesnt' think I am too crazy since I was a bit of a pick butt on it! LOL

Thank you Ashton!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The last of Summer

Well I meant to post these all summer but seeing as I hardly posted, well you get the point. The one thing we did enjoy doing this summer was swimming. Jack loves the water. He still wears a vest in the deep pools. I just thought I would share of of the pool pics I took over the summer.

These are from the small pool I fill up once in awhile. My happy boy!Oh are we having fun!
Here he was actually asking me is the water blue? He was confused why it looked so blue.
This is a typical look on a daily basis when he is telling me off! LOL
This is a much better face!

At my sisters house on the pool deck
I am holding him out of the water a bit otherwise he would look like this.
Trying to float!
Holding on the edge of the pool posing for a picture
Aww Jack and his mommy! I look so pale...
Ok how funny is this. The mask is as big as his head. He liked wearing it though. It was tough trying to make the strap so small
He looks like a fly! ROFL

We have two more things on our agenda to do before it gets to cold. He wants to go back to the train museum and we are going to take the Metra downtown. How horrible of parents are we that we have a son obsessed with trains and he hasn't even been on one to the city yet. Shame on us! We will get there I promise!

Jack is feeling much better now. Hasn't had a fever since Thurs. night. He isn't back to eating everything again, but wants to snack more so I know he is getting an appetite back. I think he is going to milk that food thing for awhile.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Referral Time

Please see the Post It note to the side. Referrals are out! They have gotten thru Feb 9th. That is 9 days. More than they have done in a while. There are a lot of people out there that still think the Dec 2006 people will get their referrals at the end of 2009. I guess it is good to be hopefull. That is all we have at this point!

The Sickies

Well Munchkin is still sick. I ended up taking him to primary care on Monday since it was Labor Day. He said he just had a red throat and gave him an antibiotic because he had just high fevers. Today was the first day of school and he missed it. He was still having 103 fevers when the Tylenol wore off. So I called our Dr. I just felt better going to her. Ears clear, no strep and they even gave him a chest xray for pneumonia. All clear. He has an old fashion virus that has to work its way out. So I am guessing he will most likely miss school again on Fri. Not a way to start the school year! Mommy has been in the house since Sat. I am starting to go a bit batty.

Mr. T and I have sore throats. We are not happy that we will most likely end up with colds. Yuck!

So our labor day weekend was a bust. Hopefully that wasn't the last of the hot weather. Right now it is 68 degrees! HUH?