Monday, August 24, 2009

1st Day of School

Well today was the 1st day of school. Jack had a VERY hard time getting up and was angry with me. That is really nothing different than how he was in preschool. We will work on getting him on an earlier schedule to bed so that should help. Once he was down and got a little breakfast in him he was more awake. He seemed very excited to go to the bus stop and when he saw the bus coming.

Ready for school
The walk to the bus stop
Getting on the bus

Jumping off the bus
My mom came by today to see Jack get off the bus. Right after he got off the bus he said "Kindergarten was great Mom!" Now that is what a mom wants to hear. He has never been one to talk about school so I didn't get to much out of him. It is just going to be so weird having him gone every morning.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Last Days of Summer

We have been busy trying to fill our days with some fun things to do before school starts. We have had many play dates with friends we maybe won't see as much when school starts. Going to parks and the pool. Last week we took Jack downtown on the Metra train (he still loves trains) and we went to the Shedd Aquarium. Then we headed over to Navy Pier for dinner and a walk. It was a great family day.

The Air and Water show was that weekend so on Friday when we went they were practicing. We got to see quite a few jets.

The lake front

View of Navy Pier

The day before Grandma and Auntie came with us to the zoo. They had a dinosaur exhibit there this year. It was very cool. They moved and roared. They looked pretty real, but Jack wasn't afraid of them at all. He said "those can't be real because dinosaurs are extinct"

I can't believe that Jack is starting Kindergarten on Monday. We had our open house on Wed and he got to meet his teacher. She seems nice and she is young. They even had the buses there for the kids to take a ride on. I thought that was great so they wouldn't be so nervous about it. Jack loved the bus but said it was a bit bumpy! LOL

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My little Speedster

Tom got Jack a racing Kart. He wanted to get him started in something with speed. Jack loves racing things. So here is my little guy all suited up! He absolutely loves it. These are just in a parking lot but they will going to a race track for Karting next week.

Two thumbs up!!!

Also, we were at a party at the neighbors on Sat. He has a huge one every year and always has some event for the kids. He has done pony rides, the reptile guy, and small animal guy. So this year he really wanted something different. So he did camel rides.

He went on about 5 times. Now who can say they rode a camel!!
We have just been trying to find ways to keep busy. Over the weekend Jack had a water balloon fight with some neighbor boys. That was not fun fulling those things up. He has been going in the sprinkler and slip N slide today. Next week he had Vacation Bible School. It is only in the morning so we still need to find something to do in the afternoons. Hopefully it will get a bit warmer out.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

I don't have any pictures to share. I can't even tell you the last time the 4th was a wash out with rain. It did finally stop raining around 8:00 so at least people were able to set off fireworks.

We went to our friends house the LaBuda's. The just had a baby girl so their house isn't equipt with toys. They has set up a jumpy outside but it was soaked. They were freaking out a bit at what all these kids were going to do inside. Somehow the kids just found stuff. There were enough of them that they made stuff up. There was a pool table in the basement and somehow rolling balls back and forth is super fun! After it stopped raining we had to let the kids go outside. yes they got wet but what are you going to do. It was cold too! There were a lot of fireworks by their house so they got to see plenty.

Overall it was a great day. I am still getting over a bad cold and didn't feel the best but I sucked it up and made it thru. We got home round 10:40.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Catching up

Well I have been MIA. I was going through some issues with stress and anxiety and I just had to take a break from everything for a while. I am feeling much better so hopefully I will update more.

Jack turned 5 on May 1st! He had a kids party at Pump it Up and then a small family party. My mom has been begging me to get Jack's birthday picutes up. So here you go mom!

Jack got 4 gold fish for his birhtday. One died the night he put them in. He loves them. He goes up and kisses the bowl. He named them Tom, Jerry, Hider Fish (because he was hiding in the castle thing) and Goldie was the fish that died.

Daddy got a new vintage motorcycle that he is going to rebuild. Here is Jack on it.

My big boy also graduated from 4 yr old preschool. Isn't he cute with is little hat. He can't wait to go to Kindergarten on the big bus!

Daddy also got Jack a go cart that they can take out to the track. They started practicing in a big parking lot and he loves it. They will go to the go cart track when he is more comfortable. I haven't seen them yet. Tom says it is too cute. Jack loves anything that has to do with speed. He is always zooming around the house making car noises. Then on the other hand Jack also loves flowers and yard work. He loves to help pick weeds and water the flowers. He even knows how to dead head the flowers. He loves to color flowers, hearts and rainbows. Daddy is a little bothered by this! LOL...hence the go cart!
Due to me not feeling well we haven't done anything really fun yet this summer. Plus the weather hasn't been the best either. Jack has had swimming lessons and a short day camp one week. He has vacation bible school in a couple of weeks. Tom has a lot of days to take off so hopefully we can get some fun stuff in.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter boy!

Easter was a great day. Jack was so excited all day. A little too excited that he needed to calm down! Major sugar high!

Friday, March 20, 2009

One Step Closer

I just found out there was another girl referral yesterday. That brings us one step closer. I think we are either #2 or #3. She told me the news on 3/6. According to the list there was a referral on 3/5. I don't think she included that as she said she thinks she was looking at a older list. So if we were in the top five and there has been two referrals then we would be #3. There were also two couples on hold. She believes that one has come off of hold. So if one is still on hold then we would be #2. This is all happening so quick! So exciting.

In other news...I have the flu. I got it from Jack. I had a 102.6 fever this afternoon and felt like death. My head is pounding. So this will not be a fun weekend. At least Tom won't be at work. Usually I get sick during the week so he is never home. Jack is feeling much better. His fever is gone, he is still just so tired and has a cough. He has taken a nap everyday this week and still gone to bed by 9. He has been laying on the couch for 5 days watching TV. Poor guy is so bored.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sick boy again

Jack is sick again with the same thing. A couple of weeks ago it was just a virus that he needed about 5 days to recoup from. The dry cough has been lingering ever since. This past weekend it was beautiful out and we were outside all weekend. He showed no signs of getting sick again. Monday morning when he got up from school he was hot and coughing more. So here we are day 3 of fever and cough. I decided to bring him into the Dr. again just to make sure his lungs were clear. Basically it is the same thing he had a few weeks ago. That just seems to strange to me. So we are having a lazy, stuck in the house...watching to much TV kind of week. I don't know how much more Spongebob I can take. He starts t-ball on Friday. I just hope he is OK to play. Tom has to go since he is a coach. So maybe if he doesn't feel like playing we can go and watch. Next week is spring break too; so two full weeks of no school...Fun stuff!

No news on the adoption front. I am waiting to talk to my social worker (SW) about the fees. She sent me a new sheet with the fees and they seem to have gone up quite a lot. We are scratching our heads a bit on where we will get all this money from. The agency has updated their website and there was another girl referral in Feb. So that is one girl referral for the last 5 months. So if they keep it going like that for the next 5 then I should have a referral by July if not sooner. It would be sooner if those other couples stay on hold. I just want that referral so I can start shopping! I can't take it. Since we are not completely sure of her age and when we will get her we don't want to buy too much for the wrong season. I do plan on taking advantage of the end of season sales this summer for next year that is for sure!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


These questions are going around on facebook. I thought I would post them here too. I asked Jack these questions.

1. What is something mom always says to you? STOP

2. What makes mom happy? HUGS AND KISSES

3. What makes mom sad? NO HUGS AND KISSES

4. How does your mom make you laugh? FUNNY JOKES AND SAYINGS

5. What was your mom like as a child? WHAT? THAT’S A HARD ONE

6. How old is your mom? 33

7. How tall is your mom? 24 FEET

8. What is her favorite thing to do? PLAY WITH JACK

9. What does your mom do when you're not around? DO WORK ON THE COMPUTER

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? BEING A MOMMY

11. What is your mom really good at? MAKING DINNER

12. What is your mom not very good at? PLAYING TENNIS ON THE WII

13. What does your mom do for her job? DOING WORK ON THE COMPUTER

14. What is your mom's favorite food? SPAGETTI

15. What makes you proud of your mom? PLAYING WITH ME

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? TOM FROM TOM AND JERRY

17. What do you and your mom do together? PLAY TRAINS AND LEGOS

18. How are you and your mom the same? WERE BOTH PEOPLE

19. How are you and your mom different? I AM A BOY AND YOU ARE A GIRL

20. How do you know your mom loves you? BECAUSE WE LIVE TOGETHER AND DO LOVEY STUFF

21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go? MIMI’S HOUSE

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Still so excited!

I am still just so excited of this news. I know we are still waiting, but since I think I can say that referral will most likely be in the next 6 months it feels SO real. FINALLY! And for it to all come full circle back to Korea is just amazing.

A little history for those of you who don't know or remember...

When I was in high school my mom started volunteering with some friends for an agency that dealt with the Korean adoptions. On certain occasions I went with her to help. Korea is the one country that will escort the babies here. You don't have to go there if you don't want. Most people choose to have them brought to the states. Back in the 80's airports were much more relaxed of who they let "behind the scenes". Anyways what the drill was that when notice of babies were coming in a group of us would go to the airport to take care of them. When the plane landed the escorts got to go thru customs on their own and we would go on the planes and take the babies off. We each would have a baby. We would then get them trough customs. They were usually a bit soiled and smelly from the long flight so we would clean them up and change them. Many of the babies had to go on to other cities that didn't have international airports so sometimes we were making a mad dash thru the airport to get them on that flight with the escort. But there were also times when local people would come pick up their child. Oh to witness such a thing. The joy on these peoples faces. It was so overwhelming even to me at 15 yrs old. A couple of times we even had to have a baby overnight because their flight didn't go out until the morning.

We would take pictures of them as their first on US soil. We would then get the parents information and made sure we sent them the info. They were always so grateful! My mom kept in contact with quite a few of the families over the years via letters and Christmas cards.

Before I was born my mom knew someone who had adopted from Korea and was seriously thinking of doing the same. She never did and whoops...I came along. When we started our 2nd adoption journey it was only fitting that we went with Korea. We started the process and really wanted a girl. Things were changing a lot with the program and 6 months had gone by without one girl referral. My SW wasn't sure what the outcome of the program was at the time. She notified us of the fairly short wait with China. It took some time for us to come around to the idea of having to go to China for a baby. That is a big journey. But, since Jack is part Chinese it only made sense. The paperwork was completely different so it took a bit of time to complete it. Obviously during this time something was going on in China that was changing the wait times. It had gone from 12 months to 14 each month went on it just seemed to grow longer and longer. Last fall when we reached the almost 2 yr mark I just couldn't take it anymore. I talked to my SW again and she then said that their Korean wait times weren't too bad and their lists weren't too long. Due to the fact that we were with Korea before and then switched she would see if she could squeeze us in the middle somewhere. Not in the top 10, but somewhere after that. Well I never called her back on it. We thought it could still take 18 months to 2 yrs and I just wanted a baby ASAP. We did sign up with our attorney for a domestic adoption. We have only been waiting a couple months for that. Since we went girl specific I figured it would take longer.

Well you know the rest from the last post. It was just the best surprise and news. Now I just image us standing outside of customs for someone to bring out our baby girl. Hurry up princess. Mommy is waiting for you.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The best news ever!!!

Well it isn't quite what you are thinking........

I called my SW yesterday as our fingerprints are about to expire and wanted to talk to her about what we should do with China. I haven't told her we moved forward with the domestic. The last we talked was in Nov when we were disucssing the Korea program. She was seeing if she could switch us over and get us put up higher on the list. She had said we couldn't be in the top 10 but somewhere shortly after that. Tom and I determined that it could still be 18 mos to 2 yrs and we just were sick of waiting. So we went with the domestic. Anyway...I left her a message to just call me. She called back and I wasn't home so she left a message that said "Oh I am so glad you called me cause you have moved up on the Korea list. Call me in the morning cause I am leaving for the day" WHAT?? I didnt know she put me on it. So all night I was thinking oh we must have made it to 10 or something. They can't tell you where you are on the list until you hit the top 10. They only get like one female referral a month, if even, so it doesn't move too quick. (they post it online). She finally called me back and she said we are.......

IN THE TOP 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My heart jumped out of my body. I started shaking and trying to hold back the tears. This means I could have a referral in about 5 months or less..or even more and they are taking about 4 months to travel. I COULD HAVE A BABY BY THE END OF THE YEAR!!!!!! I asked if we were #5 and she said well I can't really say. There are a few people on hold in there so just within 5. HOLY CRAP!

I know the domestic could happen in between this time but my heart still longs for that asian girl. And if you remember we were origianlly with Korea!!! I am so freaking excited I am shaking. I told my SW I loved her!!! I didn't know she put me on the list and now it is just a wonderful suprise.

We have all kinds of paperwork we have to change so we better get started!!

It is like I am could take 5 month to referral and 4 month to travel!! Tee hee!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sick boy and ramblings

I started this post on Sunday and never finished here it is with some added.

Sunday: Jack came down with something on Wed. At abour 4:00 he got a fever and his throat was really scratchy. I did bring him into the Dr. on Thursday because strep was going around his class. He was fine. But since then he has a horrible cough and still has a fever. He is going to miss his award ceremony today for soccer. His Daddy is still going to go (since he was a coach) and get it for him. He is pretty much just laying around and not eating much at all. He did sleep until almost 11 today.

Wed 3/4

Daddy got Jack's soccer trophy and he loved it. Jack still was pretty out of it on Monday. He did manage to sleep pretty late again on Mon and Tues. and I think that helped. He still has a little bit of a cough but seems to be better. Yesterday you could tell he was better but so bored because he was soooo naughty and mouthy!! I love being talked to like a piece of crap!

We signed Jack up for indoor t-ball. It starts in a couple of weeks. Tom signed on to be a coach for that too. I don't think he will like it as much, but with Tom being a coach hopefully he will. Also we called a friend and got them to sign up on his team too.

My brain isn't really working right now so I am just going to post this..sorry so boring.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Anniversary a few days late!

This week, on Tuesday, marked our 13th wedding anniversary. I can't believe it. Where has the time gone. We have actually been together 18 yrs. Tom and I have had a lot of challenges face us in our life and I am happy to say that I am more in love with him now than I was in the beginning. Going thru things like IVF, adoption, businesses, although very hard and frustrating, if you are strong it will only bring you closer together and make your love stronger. I feel we can get through anything that comes our way. My husband loves me for me and all my faults! LOL

Last night I made a candlelit dinner for him and we enjoyed an evening by ourselves. My MIL took Jack for the night. It was a much needed night since I kinda messed up the Indy trip. It was much nicer to be at home. We are home bodies and like it that way. We are going to enjoy a nice quiet morning and then go get Jack around lunch.

Tom has been working so hard lately on a project. It has really been going on since the fall and I am so sick of talking about "the project" It should be coming to an end this week and I feel like he will be able to relax a bit more. I told him he has to take a vacation in the next few weeks. Jack's spring break is the 23rd so I am hoping he can get that.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Home from Indy a little early

Well the last few weeks, as I mentioned, I have been super busy getting ready for this trade show. Plus we have been moving the warehouse, Tom has been working non-stop and sales are picking up again. I have been completely on edge and stressed out. A couple of nights I didn't sleep much so I was kinda messed up before we left. I don't do well when I don't sleep. I was however looking forward to spending 3 nights alone with my husband. Who wouldn't want that? Well things didn't quite turn out the way we had hoped. Friday night Tom drove me home 3 hrs and turned around picked up his cousin and drove right back...into snow no less. I am officially a nutcase. Lets jut say that all the stress from the week got to me to the point that I was sick. My stomach was so bad and I was full of anxiety that the thought of staying there another 2 days just made me nuts. I really would have stayed and sucked it up but my husband knows me and I was just creating more stress on him. He knew the next few days would have been rough. I know this seems nuts, but if you knew more of my history with things it would make more sense.

Anyway.... yesterday while sitting at home, feeling fine by the way, I felt embarrassed, ashamed and just a weak person. I hated it that I wasn't there with him. This is our business and I needed to be there. There was so much more I wanted to see at the show too. It was best that I came home. I am very lucky that I have such a wonderful husband that gets me. We missed our Valentines day together. Our 13th wedding anniversary is on Tuesday. I have already asked his mom to take Jack on Sat for a sleepover. I need to make it up to him big time!!

Jack was very happy to see me in the morning. My sister had planned to take him to see Hotel for Dogs yesterday so she still did that. He really wanted to go. So I had some time to myself. I ended up catching up on some of my shows last night.

Why is it that you can't get your kids up for school during the week but on the weekends they come bounding in your room super early when all you want to do is sleep. It never fails on the weekends. Jack will sleep till 8-8:30 all the time. I have to wake him at 7:45 for school days. But there is always one weekend day that he wakes up at 7-7:15...what is it??

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Not around

I haven't been able to post as I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Tom and I are going to a trade show in Indianapolis on Thursday for 3 days and have just been so busy trying to get ready for it. Sales have picked up too. Plus we are also trying to get the new warehouse all up and running.

So I am sorry for being a bad blogger. I really thought I would be better this winter, but find it really hard.

Jack is going to have a blast with his MiMi, Grandma and Auntie Debi spoiling him for 4 days. I am sure I am in for it next week after we get back. They always seem to punish you some how!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

There is Something About Jack

There is Something About Jack

He’s cute or good looking as he grows older
He’s smart or intellectual as he gets bolder

He’s talkative and demanding to one or another
He demands attention above all other

He has tenacity beyond his years
It’s almost enough to bring on tears

He’s sweet and neat and he can’t be beat
He’s a sweeper, a winner and surely a keeper

Someday he may lead the pack
‘cause there’s just something about That Jack!

This was written by my Dad. My Dad can do anything, he is just one of those guys. He also has a knack for writing little poems. Over the years, for a special occasion, he has always written one..special birthday, engagement, name it and you have received a sweet poem from Daddy. When I went to my moms house on Monday this poem was laying on the table. He wrote it "just because" I guess. No occasion. He was just thinking about That Jack!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cold Winter Day

That is what it is around here. I don't have much to report. Things have just been crazy around here. Tom hasn't been home much as he has a huge project at work and has been working late hours then going to the warehouse. We are in the middle of moving the warehouse to so we have been working on that. I have spent a few days over there painting and cleaning. (not fun) We are going to a trade show the 12 of Feb so we are trying to get ready for that. There is just so much going on at one time our heads are spinning. I just can't wait for the middle of Feb to be over. I think Tom will be able to take a vacation from work. He never really took one last year. We are going to take Jack to an indoor water park. Poor Jack really misses his Daddy. He sees him, but some days for only short spurts.

I don't have any pictures to add. With all this work the grandmas have been doing some extra duty. Boy are we grateful to have them. Let me try to think of some things he has said or done lately.

When his Grandma picked him up from school last week (it was her first time doing it) she had to go in to get him. He grabbed her hand and walked up to the teacher and said "I would like you to meet my Grandma" How cute is that?

Jack did score his first goal in soccer on the 16th. He was so proud when he came home. I didn't go that day as I was painting. He told me how it happened again and again. Of course this week he just kinda roamed around and didn't do much. He said he was too tired. We signed him up for indoor t-ball that starts the end of March. Tom REALLY wanted him to play. I just don't think he is going to like it as much as soccer. I know I should keep my mouth shut and just wait and see. Tom would love it if he played baseball over soccer. I am kinda hoping he wants to play soccer. Shhhh It's just more exciting. I am just not a big sport person and baseball is just a total snooze. But this t-ball will be good because sign up for summer will be in a few months and since he will be 5 he can get on the real league stuff.

Jack has just been amazing me lately. It must be the almost 5 stage. He is just looking and acting so big. He has grown too. Just so much more independent. It is cute and sad at the same time. I can't believe that I will be signing him up for Kindergarten soon. Where did my baby go?

Speaking of babies....I know I haven't waited long but tick tock....I went into a Carters outlet store yesterday and just couldn't take it. All the girls clothes. AHHHHHHHH After this busy time passes I am going to finish the room. I have all the main stuff, but we need to add a few more girly touches. We are keeping the paint. The walls are yellow and the ceiling is blue with stars on it. I am went with polka dots. Here is the bedding. I only got the bumper pads and got some other polka dot sheets.

I got this rug for the floor. Obviously the pastel one.

The curtains are also a sheer blue with white stars on them. Since they go with the ceiling we are going to keep them and just hang pink ribbon from the rods. The stars on the ends we will add pink too.

Anyway, I just want to have something "pink" to do to keep me busy but it will have to wait until after this trade show in Feb.

Oh ya and one quick little note...China only referred 2 days this month. Just ridiculous!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Professor Jack

This evening Jack started drawing a picture. When I asked him what it was he told me it was bones. Then I thought they were pretty good looking and was like wow that really does look like a bone. I asked him where he got that from and he said the vet office where they had pictures of the bones of animals. Just so you know were were at the vet at least a month ago.

Then he starts to pull 2 chairs over to the middle of the kitchen and told Tom and I we had to come see what what going on. We were told to sit on the two chairs that were in front of his drawing taped on the cabinets. The video below is what we were shown.

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

When I asked him afterwards where he got the pointing to the paper from he answered Tom and Jerry. I know we all remember episodes where Jerry is trying to teach the little mouse in the cute white diaper how to do things. I really wish I knew how their brains worked sometimes. He just amazes me!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Soccer part 2

We signed Jack up for indoor soccer again. For some reason he really likes it but I can't figure out why. He really doesn't play. He runs around but hardly ever goes for the ball. Half the time he watched it roll by and then run a different direction. He really loves the clock. He always bugs the coaches and wants to know how much time is left. I don't think it is because he wants it to be over. I think he is trying to understand the clock.

This time he is on the purple team and he is #9. They were going to have 4 teams but they didn't have enough coaches. So on Wed tom said he can help coach. Well they ended up moving it to only 2 team of like 11 kids each and 2 coaches for each team. There are too many kids running around, it is nuts! When Tom told Jack he was going to coach Jacks jaw dropped open and he was like "I can't believe it" I guess he was excited. Tonight after we got home, while he was sitting on the toilet going #2... he yells out...."this is the best day ever!" Tom said "why buddy?" "because you were the coach of my team Daddy!" He truly thinks it is cool to have his dad coach. Just wait to he is older and hates it! LOL So we have soccer for the next 7 weeks at 5:30 on Fridays. I liked Saturday morning better cause Tom took him and Mommy had alone time. Becuase it is at 5:30 I have to take him and Tom has to meet us there. I'll have to get a picture of him in his purple shirt!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

What do they do in there?

What is it with kids washing their hands and hand towels? It is so hard to get them on the counter or hang them back on the towel rack? Why are they always in a ball? Why are they always soaking wet? What are they doing in there??? These are questions though that I will never get answered now that my son is at the age to wash his own hands. Once I gave up the compulsion to "have to do it for him" so as not to make a huge mess; I also relinquished the rights to know what he does in there. I hear the water run for a long time. His hands are small, shouldn't have to use that much! Plus the soap seems to disappear at a very fast rate. They just love to pump those things. There is usually foam soap all over the sink and the wall. (thank goodness most people don't use bar soap anymore) Then the towels. In our powder room we have a pedestal sink which he needs a step stool to use. We have a nice wood one in there with a top that lifts up with a little storage space. We all know that kids love to put things in small why not a wet towel? Yes, usually I find my nice hand towels shoved in the little compartment...nice and wet. Then when I do usually realize it is missing and look in there I am also surprised to find a sock, a hot wheels car and maybe some crumbs of some sort.

But as I clean it all up while shaking my head in disgust....I have to sit and think that my little man is getting bigger an doing so many more things on his own and it is wonderful. I do love how he is more independent. Now.....if I could only get him to wipe his own butt!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009


Do you make resolutions? I don't. I mean, come on, do you really keep them? Why set yourself up for disappointment. Oh sure we think about them. We think about what we would like to accomplish this year, but we really do them. NO!

-Would I like to loose a few pounds? Well ya and maybe I will watch what I eat for a week then I am sure I will have some sort of reason why I just ate a bag of M&M's

-Do I want to work out? Well no, no I don't want to work out. Will I work out? I probably will start something at some point, but then I will get sick or Jack will get sick or I just won't do it. Ya know, the usual.

-Will I start to eat healthier? This I will attempt to do as best I can. But you know there is always the nights that a good ole beef sandwich is calling my name. I cannot deprive myself of greatness.

-I will save more money. Really? Please?? So not gonna happen. Especially if we get a baby this year. Also, you don't think that I will be accidentally buying little girl things here and there.

I will try and be a more positive/optimistic person. Hmmm,read above you think I am off to a good start?

All in all, I do hope for many good things this year....all of which I really have no control over.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts

We had a nice relaxing night. A couple of our plans fell through. We ended up staying home and watching KungFu Panda on the big screen in the basement. We were all snuggled up and eating popcorn. It is sad really we don't really do that. Tom is always gone a lot in the evenings or it is already too late in the night to watch a 2 hr movie. But since it was News Years and all Jack could stay up. We put him to bed around 9:45. I just watched TV and Tom was on the computer the rest of the night. About 11:45 I had to get up and walk around just to stay awake till midnight. Then shortly after that I feel asleep on the couch. Woo Hoo! We are partiers. I do have to say though that that was the first time in 18 yrs (since Tom and I have been togehter) that we have stayed home on New Years.

I got the decorations down today, but will have to do the tress tomorrow. I got pooped.

We got the Wii yesterday too!!! Tom just got it installed. I had talked to him about getting it for Christmas but he was like "no jack is too young to just start sitting on his butt" Well Tom knew what the Wii was, but had never played it until Christmas at his brothers. Well guess who looked at me and was like "why didn't get get this"? So with some money we got for Christmas and the fact that I didn't get a gift we justified it and bought it. I just know it will be good family fun!