Friday, April 22, 2011

Turning 40

I turned 40 on Wed, Apr 20th. At first I was totally ok with it. I am a mom of an infant and just have time to worry about it. Then it seemed more and more people were talking about it. So it was twisting the knife just a little bit each time. Ella has started to get mobile so it has been harder to manage my time on a daily basis. Then she got sick. Then I got my period. I have also been needing to have one of those talks with my husband about a bunch of stuff, so that was stressing me out. Well I don’t know what happened, but I woke up Wed morning and I was a wreck! Ella wouldn’t nap and just needed a few minutes to myself. It was my birthday after all. Lets not forget that my husband gave me a dozen red roses. Great right…except he gives me those for everything. No extra thought..stop at the grocery store to get them… and really red..again. Please just can’t you buy yellow or pink. I have even told him that before. Uggh. (I do need to say that we bought ourselves an iPad for our 40ths so that was our gifts) Anyway.. I was just an emotional basket case. At one point Ella was in her room screaming and I was in my room in a ball on the floor crying. I am not a crier. It really takes a lot, but this just got me. Then in the afternoon I finally got her down for a nap. She was only down for about 30 min when I Dad just stopped by…dog barking…baby wake up. I thought I was going to loose it!! I can’t deal with cranky sick baby anymore.

Luckily my mom is a great listener and let me vent. She had a bad 40th too so she totally understood. I had to gather myself by the evening because my mom had planned a wonderful dinner with my sister, niece, MIL, and best friend. We went to Francesca’s. It was wonderful! It was just what I wanted to get out of my funk. The food was wonderful. The company was wonderful. I got some beautiful gifts and my mom ordered the yummiest cake. It even had polka dots on it!! My MIL made these cute little goodie bags for all of us with cookies and chocolates.

So after my day that I felt horrible and sorry for myself, it was offset by wonderful family and friends who love me. Happy 40th Birthday to me!

Oh and you would think that 4 people with a smartphone would take some pictures..but no!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What is going on?

Well the last week has gotten away from me. I didn't even write down much to blog about. Lets see where Miss Ella is....

She has now figured out her knees for crawling. She also can totally sit up all the time by herself. If I am sitting on the floor with her she can pull up on me to a stand. I know it will just be a matter of time before she is pulling up on things. I am a little worried about her hurting herself. She knows how to walk with her feet so I think once she pulls up she will start taking off and just crash. She has gotten quite impatient. She really wants to be able to see me and if she can't she starts crawling and whining to find me.

She is eating more solids now. She is getting difficult with spooning baby food, so this week I added peas, carrots, pancakes, and bananas. I will spoon something in while she is eating those.

Ella like to chew on velcro...not the soft fuzzy side, but the rough, prickly side. She also has started to snort. When she gets excited she does this breathing thing and out comes a snort. It is so cute!!

She seems to have caught her brothers cold so now she is miserable. I just broke out the steriods cause I didn't like the sound of her cough. Great..she was miserable and sick for her first Christmas and now it is Easter. I sure hope she feels better by Sunday!

A few things about Jack...

The other day Jack was talking about being a weather man and I said they are never right. He said “its tough being a weatherman”

For his birthday party coming up we decided he can have 3 boys sleepover. He knew 2 that he wanted but couldn't decided between two other boys. Then I asked him one final time and he said Owen, Michael, Matthew with a little side of Jimbo. It was just so funny that we said OK he can have 4 sleep over.

I was playing on the floow with Ella and had my butt up in the air. He came up behind me and said "Mom your butt is an instrument. It is my bongos cause it vibrates so much" Gee thanks Jack!!!

Jack is so into Army stuff right now. He has all the toys and is getting more for his birthday. He loves to play it with his friends and had an American flag that he waves around everywhere. He like to hear all kinds of information about it. I even let him watch Pear Harbour one day when it was on. I think that if he is going to play war that he really should understand some of it.

Ok I am just going to post this cause I keep getting pulled away!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wake Up Jack!

Just to preface, Jack’s alarm goes off at 7AM. He has to get his coat and shoes on at 8:10 and out the door for the bus.

Me Jack, it is 7:15 time to wake up
Jack some sort of whiny/grunt noise comes out
Me Ok I am going to brush my teeth, you have a few more minutes
--come back a few minutes later---

Me Get up sweetie
Jack I don’t wanna go to school
Me I don’t care..get up
Jack can we snuggle
Me I can’t sweetie, Ella is up
--by now Ella is usually up—

A few minutes later (imagine it in the voice of the guy that says “2 hours later on Spongebob)

Me Jack please get out of bed
ME Jack carter, it is now 7:30 and you have to get out of bed
Jack Waaaahhh
Me really, if you don’t get out of bed right now…(insert some sort of threat)

5 min will go by at which point I am now down stairs making coffee and his lunch

Me Jack are you getting dressed
Jack NO
Me get dressed NOW and don’t forget to brush your teeth

5 more minutes go by
Me Jack did you brush your teeth yet
Jack NO
Me seriously what is your problem. If you are not down here in 5 min (insert some sort of threat)

He finally comes down.

Me what do you want for breakfast
Jack I have no idea can I play my touch?

This is almost how it is almost EVERY morning. I am so sick of listening to myself talk by the time he leaves. I can’t get him out of the door quick enough. Once in a blue moon he will wake up and get out of bed and decide to race the clock. I wait to have my coffee until he leaves because I want to enjoy it.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring Break

We had a nice week. First, Jack and I got along great!. We usually bump heads a lot. He actually listened to me in the morning when I told him to get dressed and brush his teeth. This is no easy feat! I made sure I told him about the day ahead of time and that seemed to help. I thought the week was going to be worse. Monday was a stay at home day. He had a friend over most of the day to play. Tuesday I went to lunch for my sister’s birthday so Grandma and Grandpa came over to babysit. Wed we went to Cantigny. They have a war museum and tanks you can climb on. We went last summer and he loved it. However the museum was closed. So I figured it was a good day to go. The weather was actually kinda nice so he was able to climb on the tanks a bit.

Thursday was another stay at home day. He actually went over to friends so was gone most of the afternoon. Friday we went with some friends to McDonalds then to see HOP. It was super cute.

Today we start spring hockey. This is a bit different as there won’t be a set team. They just practice for 45 min. then scrimmage for 45 min. It is at the worst time. 1:30 to 3:00. That is right when Ella needs to nap so I don’t know how many of them I will make it to. Tonight he is having his first sleepover at our house. I hope it goes well. I just don’t want them horsing around to much that they wake Ella up.

The weather has been really cold again the last 2 weeks. I am so ready for it to be warm. I need to get out and do some yard work. I kina wish I would have paid for spring cleanup. With the baby, I don’t know why I didn’t. Ok I just called the guy to do it. Hopefully he can get out here this week. Yes, I am lazy!