Thursday, September 13, 2007


Just dropped J off at school. Then a friend is picking him up and taking the boys to lunch. I have about 4 hours to myself!!! WOO HOOO! Ok so now what am I going to do? I was going to start working out this week. (don't choke on your laughter) But when T was home on Tues, that threw me off. Then I have been fighting this sore throat. Then last night I had some serious belly issues that are still lingering this morning. So not really feeling up to it. (yes, more excuses) When J gets home he will go down for a nap! More time! Then at 6:30 tonight I am going out with the girls. What a day for me!!! I need it.

Do you ever get so stressed out and just crabby that you know you need a good cry....but can't. I need the release right now, but just cant seem to get it out. I even watched that 9/11 Oprah show the other day...not a tear. What is my problem. Why would that not make me cry. I am just not a crier. What can I do to relive all this stress?

Edited at 5:41......Well shit! Now I think I have a cold. At 3:30 I got so stuffed up and then my nose started the running thing. Sneezing a ton. Feel like crap..cancelled tonight. I am not a happy camper.


Unknown said...

Hi Ali,
I've made it to your blog. I'm loving reading.
Love Ana

azjenn said...

Crap! Sorry to hear you got the cold. Hopefully you rescheduled the girls night out.