Saturday, December 1, 2007

Just a thought came to mind a few cute things my son has said.

While laying in bed the other morning. He started commenting about skin. This has been a topic before. Especially in the summer when I was more tan.
J: mom you are tan like me. well actually a little white and tan. I am tan, but some people are black.

M: well yes they are sweetie. Like Little Bill (TV cartoon)

J: ya little bill is black and so is his family. There are black people in the neighborhood.

M: People are all different colors. Black people are also referred to as African American.

J: oh ya like American cheese!

M: (me laughing) No sweetie, like you are Chinese, they are African American and mommy is Swedish and dutch and daddy is.....(no he is not listening and jumping on the bed)

That lesson didn't go over so well.

Last night I go in the powder room to go to the bathroom. Door open of course because can you ever go alone with small children? Then in he walks with his juice and a bowl of grapes. He says

J: Oh I have a little snack. (puts it down on the stool and closes the door) I needed an appetizer while I watch you pee.

Good thing I was already on the toilet...that was too funny. What 3 yr old knows what at appetizer is

I know there are so many funny and smart things he says but I usually forget them right after becuase that is how my brain works. I really need to start writing them down right away. He is starting to feel a bit better. I don't think he coughed as much yesterday. He just can't run around much or he starts to cough like crazy. Hard to tell a 3 yr old not to run. Last night he started the coughing and almost threw up again. I saw the gag. Made him drink some water and sit. He has watched so much TV this week. I can tell he is so bored too. We will decorate the tree this weekend. So that will be something fun to do. Or it will be horrible because I have so many breakables.


Stacey said...

LOL at all of his comments. They come up with the greatest things. Why can't they be that cute 24/7? :)

Earthchild618 said...

Love love love it! He is too funny.
Have you thought of keeping a mini fridge in the bathroom to make it easier for him to get a snack while you are peeing? LOL.

Glad he is feeling somewhat better. I hope the rest of his recovery is speedy!