Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Days After Christmas

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was very nice. Even at my SIL and BIL house!

Jack was in rare form as I suppose most kids are when they are completely over excited. He got many presents (too many) but loved them all. He got everything he wanted. Probably becuase I bought it all! LOL He gifts were filled with train ornaments and lots of race cars. He got a large track with small remote control cars, lots of Hot Wheels and some games. Oh and the new big hit is LEGOS! (regular size) He had told me that he was playing with them at school so we got him some. I had an old Lego table that my sister gave me (14 yrs old) that we set up today and it's a HIT! I can do legos!! Here are some of his pictures.

At one point on Christmas the kids started dancing to Elvis. Too funny!

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

Yesterday we spent in our PJ's. It was great! I never do that. I think we played with almost everything. I had boxes and boxes everywhere. I can't imagine what it is like for people with more kids. My house was a wreck!

Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. Hope you are all safe and warm. There has been so much bad weather around.

Here is my big boy!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First Trophy!

Jack played indoor soccer for 8 weeks. It was his first sport he did. He played OK. He messed around a lot and didn't play a much but he really did enjoy it. When it is over they have a little awards ceremony. Here are the pictures.

As he was walking off the stage he kissed the trophy! It was so funny. He is really into kissing things lately.

Last Friday he had his Christmas program at school. He did really well and sang his little heart out. Here are a couple of videos

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

He is getting so excited for Santa. We have two advent calendars he does. One is a tree that he hangs the ornaments on and one is the one with the chocolate candy. I have TIVO'd every children Christmas show I could find and we watch at least one daily.

Friday, December 12, 2008

New Milestone

My son wiped his own butt today!!! Didn't you just want to know that. He did it all on his own too. I was in the other room and he came running out and said "I am a big boy I wiped my own butt! Wanna see?" Then proceeds to bend over and spead em for me to see! NICE! Then I asked him what made him do it by himself. His response was "well, I decided I was old enough now. Most 4 and a half year olds don't have they mother wipe their buttocks." Then I asked how does he know he didn't get poop on his hands. His answer "cause I am a professional!" This kids cracks me up!

He had is school Christmas show today. They sang about 5 songs. He did very well and sung loud. He was very cute. I have a few pics and a video but I will have to post those later. I have to get to the store. I have our friends dinner tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our Decision

After weeks of agonizing what to do it is official...We are going domestic! We are going girl specific. I called my Attorney yesterday. The check went out for the retainer fee today. I have to update the profile I did a year ago when we thought we were going to do this. My friend still had the file on her PC! Whew!

Ok so now I am going to have a newborn! YIKES!!! I can also say that now I can GO SHOPPING!!! So much to buy..bottles, diapers....GIRL CLOTHES! After the holidays we are going to go nuts! I couldn't get excited but then Sat. I had a small meltdown by myself and I think it was my mourning of my Asian daughter.

So now I feel very we wait!

Jack is so cute. I told him that China was taking so long. Without hesitation then he said "I want one from America now" Where does he get this stuff. I guess we have talked about it before, but you wouldn't think he would remember or care. I think he is at a really good age now. Do I wish my children were closer in age, yes! However, Jack was always so possessive of me and finally getting better. He will be a great big brother but he will also be hard. He is very used to getting all the attention from everyone ALL THE TIME!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

MySpace Animations

Hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving. For once in 9 years I am not having it. My mom decided to have it. I know it is suppose to be a nice holiday to give thanks and be around family and we are. However one of the reasons my mom is having it is so that we don't have to have my SIL and BIL! ROFL. They always ruin it! My MIL and FIL are coming though. I am sure I will have it again next year.

Things I am thankful for

My health
My family
My roof over my head
That my husband has a job (well today at least)
Friends (even though lately it seems they are all to busy)
All my internet friends.
and selfishly...internet and TV...without them I wouldn't have any place to escape.

Hope you all eat too much and laugh out loud!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Snow, Signs and Decisions

First off, yesterday there was huge snow flakes falling from the sky. At first it was pretty then it just reminded me that winter is near and it needed to stop. There was some snow stuck to the roofs today and on on the grass and mulch, but nothing was covered. Today there are flakes falling again. My husband wants to know why we live here. He hates winter. I really do to. Too cold!!

OK so after my sign from Jack on Friday I got a different sign on Sat. I sat down Sat. night to watch CSI and the whole show was about Koreans! Come on! An entire show taking place around Korea town and a little Korean boy! OK mess with me some more.

My SW called this morning with the decision. The decision was that all new people in the Korea program have to go at the end of the list. However, they are going to make an exception for us since we were originally in the Korea program. We won't be put at the top but not at the bottom. Not in the top 10 either but just below it. She wouldn't say if it was 11 or 15. So lets just say we are #15. I don't think they even had 15 girl referrals this year. She is saying (without knowing for sure) that it would be a 12-18 month wait for referral. Then travel is anywhere from 2.5 mos to 6 mos after that. So total time 18 mos to 2 yrs or go domestic and see what happens. That is our decision to make. I will let you know when we make it.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Is this a sign

So I was talk to my BF yesterday about the decision we need to make. She just said that if we don't have a gut feeling right now some sign will come to you that will lead you in the right direction. Fast forward to yesterday evening. Jack and I are driving home from somewhere and it is quiet in the car except for the radio. Then Jack says...

J Mom
M Yes sweetie
J I am lonely. We need another girl because there aren't enough, only you.
M Really sweetie?
J yes, I am lonely and need a sister.
M What about a brother
J No, we need another girl

Well I suppose I can take that as a sign and we need to take the fastest route to get him that sister! I did talk to the SW on Friday and she didn't have a definite answer. She did talk to her director and she at first said, sorry they have to go at the end of the list. Then she reminded her that we were with Korea then China so maybe make an exception?? She will call me next week.

Today at soccer Jack was a good boy. No shoving or pushing. He earned his Tom and Jerry back which he is watching right now. He saw his little friend he met on the first day on another team. The boy came up to him to say hi and they talked for a minute. When the kid walked away Jack says "he is really into me!" too funny!

I have a bin full of play food that was from my niece. Once in a while we take it out to play. Jack set it all up and organized it by food and by utensil. He said we aren't allowed to touch the cooking supplies. We also have a little rotisserie grill. So he was going to cook me a burger. He said "aren't I a good fry cook?" ROLF!!! Ya like Spongebob!

A couple more funny things....

Jack was coloring and he drew two circles next to each other and then he said "oh no…there are boobs on my paper!

Mom do I have a piano?
No, why?
Tom and Jerry are playing it and I want to join them

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Things are changing

Well it has been a while. I have no idea what I have been doing; why I haven't blogged. I am so busy, but yet I am not. Oh wait! I did join facebook and am totally hooked. That is probably half of it. Just when I think about posting someone has posted on my wall or I have some crazy quiz to do. LOL

Jack likes his soccer but seems to be pushing the kids more than kicking the ball. He has been showing more agression lately towards things and I am not sure where it has come from. He has been watching a lot of Tom and Jerry and we wondered if it was that. So we took it away this week to see if there was a difference. That show is super funny to him but becuase they beat the crap out each other. Although, all it really has created is incesssive whining about wanting to watch Tom and Jerry. Why is my child such a whiner! OMG it is driving me nuts. I would think at 4.5 that he wouldn't whine so much. He has such a high pitch to his voice too. (insert my scream here)

One bit of news is that I am pretty sure we are dropping out of the China program. Referrals have not gotten any better. This month they only did 2 days. Last year at this time we thought about doing a domestic adoption and I just changed my mind thinking things had to get better in China. Well they are not. They are exactly the same. Bottom line is it has taken them this whole year to get thru 2.5 months of referrals. Since my LID is December and the are only on do the math. My family cannot be on hold any longer. I talked with my social worker and she was going to get some info for us on maybe switching to the Korean program. She said we couldn't be at the top of the list, but we also wouldn't be put at the bottom. She is trying to find out where we would get put and how big the list is. Does this mean that we would have to wait another year or year and half??? The wait for a girl is longer than a wait for a boy in Korea. Since July 08 they have had 17 boy referrals and only 2 girl. I also called my adoption attorney that did our domestic adoption. She is still around and said let her know if we want to move forward. We may not do Korea and go domestic. I don't know what to do. My head is spinning. The one thing that I do know is that I still have to get my girl no matter what. I have been dreaming and planning for a girl and if that changed now it just wouldn't be right in my heart. Hopfully we can make a decision in the next week or so. Once I get my mind on something it makes me nuts until I have a decision.

I will try and be a better blogger this winter. The weather has already changed drastically here and I feel the winter blah creeping in.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Part 2

Hope you all had a nice Halloween. The weather here was georgous. It was about 70. Couldn't have asked for a better day. The kids finally didn't have to look like the stay puff marshmellow man with coats under their costumes.

Our day started with his parade at school. They marched in then sang two songs and marched out. Short and sweet. He at least sang the songs this year.

We went out trick or treating around 4ish. We waited for Daddy to come home. He was chilling all day and not asking to much when we were going until Tom walked in the door. Then he was barking orders at us to get going. We met up with a family down the street with two boys. One is 7 and one 5. We were enjoying our walk together until the ringing of the doorbell became an issue. Jack loves to ring doorbells so when one of the other kids started running to beat him, well he was not a happy camper. He would then refuse to go to the house. We eventually had to go ahead of them and turned down another street to go see Auntie Janice. Jack doesn't really eat tons of candy so when his pumpkin got heavy he was done. I can go through most of it and throw it away. Such a shame really.

The last picutes of him is in his soccer shirt. Tom said he did ok this time again. They warm up first with jumping jacks and he is good at those. Then they do sprints. Tom said he did one back and forth and then was over leaning on the wall huffing and puffing like he just couldn't do another. He was pooped. Where is all that enery he has at night when you are trying to get his PJ's on?? Early on some kid shoved him so then he proceeded to push more people during the game than kick the ball. Tom said the ball will just roll right past him and he won't go for it. By the time there was about 13 min left in the game there were only a few kids left on the court. I guess they all get tired. Jack started walking off and Tom was like get back out there buddy you are almost done. Jack replied. "but I need a hug and a kiss" ROFL! That is my little snugglebug.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Part 1

I told you all about how he is obsessed with little pumpkins and gourds. Well Friday he did this to our stairs.

I couldn't fit it all in so here is the bottom of the stairs. This doesn't include the ones that are outside! Yes I know he has A LOT..but I only have one child and I didn't buy them all...he does have grandmas!

We went to a Halloween party on Sat at Tom's cousins house. It was a pirate theme. We didn't dress up, just Jack. He is a race car driver this year.

This is my MIL and "Captain Jack" He was the hired guy to entertain. He went up to my MIL and put this on her head. He was really into character the whole time.

They have this roller coaster thing in their yard. Actually they have two. A small one and this taller one. Last year he wouldn't share the small one with anyone.
Here is last year...
This year...
My Little Racer!
Jack also started indoor soccer on Sat mornings. He is on the Gold team. We will get pictures next week since he just got his shirt this weekend. He loved his shirt and wouldn't take it off all day. It is on underneath his costume. When we got home later he asked if he could sleep in it. Jack has never cared what he was wearing, so it is very cute. Tom said he did pretty good. I didn't go as he always seems to act up more when I am around. I will try to go after a few weeks. He was goalie for a bit and when he came home he said "I don't like being goalie, it is boring" He made a new friend on the "other" team. They were too busy talking. When they had to leave they hugged! ROFL!! Kids! I think he really liked it. This morning one of the first questions he has was "do I get to go to soccer today?"
Ok as I type this I see very fine snow flurries, WTH???

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Day!

We went to a pumpkin patch today. It was so cold this morning, but this afternoon the sun was out and it warmed up to be pretty nice. Daddy recorded the football game so he could watch it later. We went to a different place this year than we usually go. It was very nice and much cheaper!! We went on a big hay ride and walked thru a corn maze.

They had this area where you could drive these big John Deer tricycles. He loved it. He was always out to get in front of everyone. His little legs peddled so fast.

Now that's a big tractor!

This was cool. They just created this big climby thing out of Hay. You could climb up and jump off and there were placed to crawl under. Jack isn’t in this picture.
I am king of the Hay!!!

This is him inside the corn maze.

When we were waiting for the hay ride it was right by this burm. I didn’t even tell him to sit here, but he found this little spot and there he sat! He is just getting so grown up looking.

Then they had a tractor pulling these cow cars like a train. He couldn’t wait to go on this!!

Then the petting zoo. Had some cute animals that were all very friendly. I won’t bore you with pictures of goats, bunny’s and alpacas.

Last, was time to pick out our pumpkins. He saw this “pumpkin house” in the advertisement and couldn’t wait to see it. He is obsessed with pumpkins and gourds. I lost count of how many of the mini pumpkins and gourds we have. It is only once a year so I let him get one every time we go to the grocery store.

We were only there for a couple of hours, but it was plenty. We came home and watched the game. It was a nice family day.

Friday, October 10, 2008

To Work or Not to Work

My BF, who is also a SAHM, was recently called by a private boys High School (her Aunt works there) for a job as a spanish teacher (she taught JR High pre mom). Her first reaction was Oh no, I am not ready to go back to work. However, she was starting to look into getting recertified and it was coming. Her one son is 7 and other is Jack's age 4. So she would have the day care issue with the 4 yr old. She ended up sending in her resume just to see what would happen. Long story short...interview yesterday, 2nd interview today and job offer. Obviously they needed the teacher badly and had to act fast. Also she is leaving today for FL for a week. During the last week I told her she could do it. It will all come back to her quickly. She will be great at it. She just called me about 30 min ago on the way home from the offer and said she is most likely taking the job. I of course congratulated her and said I was so happy for her. Which I am.

So as I am putting my groceries away and thinking about it I am like "OMG, who am I going to talk to?" I talk to her at least every other day. We have the occasional play dates with our boys since they are only a week apart. I anticipated many more playdates as it got cold out. I know this is a total selfish feeling, but I did just loose something. I look forward to our morning talks. Sometimes they are short, sometimes we carry on about nothing. I know I haven't lost my friend...just that adult conversion during the week that keeps ya going sometimes. Now she is going to have to squeeze me in with all the evening/weekend things. She is not a big drive and talk on the phone person so I don't think she will call me then. Maybe I will have to buy her a ear thingy so she can talk to me!

Anyways I just came on here to sulk I guess. I am truly happy for her as they won't have to struggle financially anymore. Things were pretty tight for them. She always wanted to work in High School and it is a great school. But I will miss what we had and I guess just have to wait for Holiday breaks and summer! I love you Kar Bow!! Congrats!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

This and That

Nothing is really going on with us. Jack had one of his friends over for a play date yesterday after school. I love to just listen to the things that come out of these kids mouths when they are playing. Some of it is just too funny.

Jack and I went out on Tuesday to get our corn stalk and hay to complete our decorations for fall. I think it all turned out quite nice. Jack just loves pumpkins. Since he was 2 when ever we went to the grocery store he had to get one of those tiny pumpkins. So each week he would get a new one and decorate it with markers. So we had a pumpkin collection. Last year it was a battle with him leaving them around and the dog getting them. This year he wants them more on display so they are decorating my banister. I would take a picture but Tom took the camera. Hopefully I will get one this weekend. Of course he is asking me everyday when is Halloween. He is just so excited. We still need to get to a pumpkin patch. We usually go on an evening night where it isn't as crowded. There are a couple pretty close to our house.

The weather this weekend is supposed to be beautiful! I keep thinking this is going to be the last of it so make the most. We do need to clean out our garage so Tom can get all the cars in there for the winter. We have 2 drivers and 3 car! I have so much stuff in there for the business I don't know if that is going to happen. Tomorrow we are looking at some new warehouse space. We are thinking of moving the business closer to home. It would really make much more sense. I could do more work out of there instead of the house and we would save a ton on gas for Tom. We'll see how it goes. I am starting to get excited about it so I hope it works out.

Today my MIL is coming over. We are going to bake. We are sending a care package to Toms nephew at college. We are making cookies and puppy chow. If you don't know what puppy chow is you don't know what you are missing!

Hope you all have a great weekend!


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Very Busy Weekend

For the people that rarely do anything we are very busy this weekend.

Friday Jack had school then he had a kids b-day party from 4-7PM. We had to leave early cause Mamma and Daddy were going OUT! My mom came over to babysit and we met a few couples at PF Changs (yummy) for dinner.

Saturday we got up and went to my Nephews soccer game at noon. Poor guy got hurt and ended up coming out of the game. Bummer, we went to watch him. We don't usually go. Of course we were a little late and missed the first goal which he made. From there we went to my in laws. Both boys needed haircuts so bad. Grandpa cuts there hair. Then we had to rush home and they both had to take showers. Then we had a suprise 40th party for our neighbor and had to be there at 6.

Today we have another birthday party at 2:00. I think I am partied out. Plus I have to see my lovely SIL and BIL again. Not the joy of my day. Jack will have fun playing with his cousins.

Hope you are all having a great weekend.

Oh ya...Referrals are in. Looks like Feb 15th is the cut off. That is only 6 days :(

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Week of Firsts!!

Last weekend the 20th we went to a kids party at Haunted Trails. It is just one of those game places where you play skee ball and all kids of games for tickets. Then you get cheap prizes at the counter. They also have go carts outside. Jack got to go on his first one. He wasn't quite 42" but they let him go. He did have a little trouble trying to hit the gas peddle. He went two times. He said "I drive like a professional!"

Then Friday we finally took Jack on the Metra train downtown. He has such a good time. He had his first Metra train ride and then his first Taxi ride. We took the taxi to Navy Pier. It is a big attraction place. The weather was just beautiful. We really have had a great couple of weather weeks. We also sat outside and had a nice dinner. Mommy and Daddy enjoyed a couple cocktails! It really felt like the "end of summer" outing for us.

Ok today we were just hanging out and Jack said the funniest thing...I just had to share. Jack was in the family room by the coffee table just standing there. Then he says..
J - Mom look at me
M - What?
J - I am smashing my peter (penis) on the table.
M - Jack stop.
J - but it is big and long. Its long dick dong!
I had to leave the room to laugh hysterically. Oh we have all seen Sixteen Candles and know "long duck dong". Well about year ago I had said that for something being silly. You know we all quote our 80's movies. Well he thought it was silly and starting saying it. He would say it all the time. But when he said it, it came out "long dick dong" and he would repeat it over and over again. I tried on many occasions to correct him but it always comes out that way. So hence the "long dick dong" Lets hope he doesn't say it in public some day.
School is going well. He really likes it. They do a letter a week. They are on "C" this week. My mom picks him up on Mondays so I can get some work done. Then I go pic him him later. My MIL takes him sometimes another day. Just depends on the week.

Friday, September 19, 2008


We went to the zoo yesterday. It was one of those perfect weather days. Just beautiful. Also since all the kids are back in school no crowds!! Just wonderful. I let Jack bring a friend with him, his buddy Jimmy (Jimbo)

What is it that you ask if they want to sit in a wagon so you spend the money renting one then all they do is pull it and not actually sit in it. That was a waste of $8.00. Man the zoo is expensive. I know I should eat before or bring my own stuff. I just hate carrying big bags and all kids of stuff with. Since it was my only time at the zoo this year I figured we could just go all out. But not cheap I tell ya.
Still on the list before it gets cold is the train museum and the train ride...We will do it!!!
All of a sudden we have been bombarded with birthday parties. A couple are family, neighbor and a few friends. Man I do not have the money for all this. I am trying to save for Christmas. This summer between my water bill for watering the grass (I refuse to have brown grass) and my AC bill I am broke! I still need to get some new fall clothes for me and Tom. Jack is all set except for his winter coat. I bought some stuff and then my wonderful Mom bought the rest. She usually buys a good chunk of his wardrobe. Gotta love MiMi!!
Gotta run for now!