Monday, January 21, 2008

OMG He Ate Something New!

So today I had to go downtown for a deposition. So dumb by the way. Something that happened at work in 2004! I can't tell you how much I hate going downtown.

Anywhoooo....T was home with J. T has the flu so it worked out that my mom didn't have to get up at the butt crack of dawn to come over here. So T tells me he had a talk with J at lunch about not getting big if he doesn't start to eat different foods. This really has been an ongoing conversation in our house, but I guess because Mommy wasn't home he actually listened to him??? Maybe...because he got him to eat LUNCHMEAT!!! It was roasted chicken. OMG I can't believe it. It was just little pieces of it but he ate some, asked for more and then when I got home had a few more pieces!! I was shocked.

So fast forward to dinner time. This can't possible work twice in the same day can it? I made spaghetti. Jack likes Parmesan cheese so I thought if he had noodles he could dip in it that might work. At first he was like no until I cut little pieces of the spaghetti and he tried it. He actually ate a few tablespoons worth!!!! I am so proud of my baby!!!! I know I can't overwhelm him with new things all the time but I think he understand (hopefully) now that he has to taste it once. I would like to at least have the one bite or actually 3 bite rule. I am sure tomorrow he won't do it at all, but hey it was at least a step in the right direction.

J seems like he is getting a cold too. He was stuffy tonight but still running around. If he doesn't have a fever in the morning I will probably still send him to school.

Stay tuned.... a new look is coming soon to my blog. It is almost done. I am so excited!!!


Unknown said...

Well done J! Don't you just love these little bits of progress.

suzzcq70 said...

Good for you! Feeding toddlers is a difficult task . . . and that's coming from a pediatric dietitian!