Saturday, April 5, 2008

Secret Pal Gift for April

This is the secret pal gift for the month of April. The theme was bedtime things. I love the pink blanket. It has flowers and butterflies on it. Then the butterfly PJ's. The Johnson and Johnson stuff is a travel kit!! It will be perfect for the trip. Thank you to my secret pal!!! Can't wait until next time!

***for those that are new to this and don't know what the Secret Pal is from one of my China boards that we have secret pals that send out gifts for our future daughter every other month. There is a theme t it. For example, June's theme is Celebrate Daddy!~ Make Dad feel good for Fathers Day or Summer Fun. There is a spending limit, but I always tend to go overboard..go figure!

The weather was beautiful here today. It is 6:40 and it is still 59 degrees!! Spring is finally here. I am sure we will still get some bad/cold weather...we always do. I cannot wait for the daffodils and tulips to fully come up. There are getting there! Today I finally saw some buds on the trees!!

Hope you are all having a great weekend.


Earthchild618 said...

Love it! So cute! Listen, are any of your China boards Ezboards? We have FBA ezboard money left over and are trying to find an ezboard to donate it to. We can donate to any of them as long as they haven't coverted to Yuku yet.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful idea to have gift exchanges. Every little helps to help time keep going.

Brenda Kresak said...

What a cute outfit!!! So how much longer?