Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

MySpace Animations

Hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving. For once in 9 years I am not having it. My mom decided to have it. I know it is suppose to be a nice holiday to give thanks and be around family and we are. However one of the reasons my mom is having it is so that we don't have to have my SIL and BIL! ROFL. They always ruin it! My MIL and FIL are coming though. I am sure I will have it again next year.

Things I am thankful for

My health
My family
My roof over my head
That my husband has a job (well today at least)
Friends (even though lately it seems they are all to busy)
All my internet friends.
and selfishly...internet and TV...without them I wouldn't have any place to escape.

Hope you all eat too much and laugh out loud!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Snow, Signs and Decisions

First off, yesterday there was huge snow flakes falling from the sky. At first it was pretty then it just reminded me that winter is near and it needed to stop. There was some snow stuck to the roofs today and on on the grass and mulch, but nothing was covered. Today there are flakes falling again. My husband wants to know why we live here. He hates winter. I really do to. Too cold!!

OK so after my sign from Jack on Friday I got a different sign on Sat. I sat down Sat. night to watch CSI and the whole show was about Koreans! Come on! An entire show taking place around Korea town and a little Korean boy! OK mess with me some more.

My SW called this morning with the decision. The decision was that all new people in the Korea program have to go at the end of the list. However, they are going to make an exception for us since we were originally in the Korea program. We won't be put at the top but not at the bottom. Not in the top 10 either but just below it. She wouldn't say if it was 11 or 15. So lets just say we are #15. I don't think they even had 15 girl referrals this year. She is saying (without knowing for sure) that it would be a 12-18 month wait for referral. Then travel is anywhere from 2.5 mos to 6 mos after that. So total time 18 mos to 2 yrs or go domestic and see what happens. That is our decision to make. I will let you know when we make it.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Is this a sign

So I was talk to my BF yesterday about the decision we need to make. She just said that if we don't have a gut feeling right now some sign will come to you that will lead you in the right direction. Fast forward to yesterday evening. Jack and I are driving home from somewhere and it is quiet in the car except for the radio. Then Jack says...

J Mom
M Yes sweetie
J I am lonely. We need another girl because there aren't enough, only you.
M Really sweetie?
J yes, I am lonely and need a sister.
M What about a brother
J No, we need another girl

Well I suppose I can take that as a sign and we need to take the fastest route to get him that sister! I did talk to the SW on Friday and she didn't have a definite answer. She did talk to her director and she at first said, sorry they have to go at the end of the list. Then she reminded her that we were with Korea then China so maybe make an exception?? She will call me next week.

Today at soccer Jack was a good boy. No shoving or pushing. He earned his Tom and Jerry back which he is watching right now. He saw his little friend he met on the first day on another team. The boy came up to him to say hi and they talked for a minute. When the kid walked away Jack says "he is really into me!" too funny!

I have a bin full of play food that was from my niece. Once in a while we take it out to play. Jack set it all up and organized it by food and by utensil. He said we aren't allowed to touch the cooking supplies. We also have a little rotisserie grill. So he was going to cook me a burger. He said "aren't I a good fry cook?" ROLF!!! Ya like Spongebob!

A couple more funny things....

Jack was coloring and he drew two circles next to each other and then he said "oh no…there are boobs on my paper!

Mom do I have a piano?
No, why?
Tom and Jerry are playing it and I want to join them

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Things are changing

Well it has been a while. I have no idea what I have been doing; why I haven't blogged. I am so busy, but yet I am not. Oh wait! I did join facebook and am totally hooked. That is probably half of it. Just when I think about posting someone has posted on my wall or I have some crazy quiz to do. LOL

Jack likes his soccer but seems to be pushing the kids more than kicking the ball. He has been showing more agression lately towards things and I am not sure where it has come from. He has been watching a lot of Tom and Jerry and we wondered if it was that. So we took it away this week to see if there was a difference. That show is super funny to him but becuase they beat the crap out each other. Although, all it really has created is incesssive whining about wanting to watch Tom and Jerry. Why is my child such a whiner! OMG it is driving me nuts. I would think at 4.5 that he wouldn't whine so much. He has such a high pitch to his voice too. (insert my scream here)

One bit of news is that I am pretty sure we are dropping out of the China program. Referrals have not gotten any better. This month they only did 2 days. Last year at this time we thought about doing a domestic adoption and I just changed my mind thinking things had to get better in China. Well they are not. They are exactly the same. Bottom line is it has taken them this whole year to get thru 2.5 months of referrals. Since my LID is December and the are only on do the math. My family cannot be on hold any longer. I talked with my social worker and she was going to get some info for us on maybe switching to the Korean program. She said we couldn't be at the top of the list, but we also wouldn't be put at the bottom. She is trying to find out where we would get put and how big the list is. Does this mean that we would have to wait another year or year and half??? The wait for a girl is longer than a wait for a boy in Korea. Since July 08 they have had 17 boy referrals and only 2 girl. I also called my adoption attorney that did our domestic adoption. She is still around and said let her know if we want to move forward. We may not do Korea and go domestic. I don't know what to do. My head is spinning. The one thing that I do know is that I still have to get my girl no matter what. I have been dreaming and planning for a girl and if that changed now it just wouldn't be right in my heart. Hopfully we can make a decision in the next week or so. Once I get my mind on something it makes me nuts until I have a decision.

I will try and be a better blogger this winter. The weather has already changed drastically here and I feel the winter blah creeping in.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Part 2

Hope you all had a nice Halloween. The weather here was georgous. It was about 70. Couldn't have asked for a better day. The kids finally didn't have to look like the stay puff marshmellow man with coats under their costumes.

Our day started with his parade at school. They marched in then sang two songs and marched out. Short and sweet. He at least sang the songs this year.

We went out trick or treating around 4ish. We waited for Daddy to come home. He was chilling all day and not asking to much when we were going until Tom walked in the door. Then he was barking orders at us to get going. We met up with a family down the street with two boys. One is 7 and one 5. We were enjoying our walk together until the ringing of the doorbell became an issue. Jack loves to ring doorbells so when one of the other kids started running to beat him, well he was not a happy camper. He would then refuse to go to the house. We eventually had to go ahead of them and turned down another street to go see Auntie Janice. Jack doesn't really eat tons of candy so when his pumpkin got heavy he was done. I can go through most of it and throw it away. Such a shame really.

The last picutes of him is in his soccer shirt. Tom said he did ok this time again. They warm up first with jumping jacks and he is good at those. Then they do sprints. Tom said he did one back and forth and then was over leaning on the wall huffing and puffing like he just couldn't do another. He was pooped. Where is all that enery he has at night when you are trying to get his PJ's on?? Early on some kid shoved him so then he proceeded to push more people during the game than kick the ball. Tom said the ball will just roll right past him and he won't go for it. By the time there was about 13 min left in the game there were only a few kids left on the court. I guess they all get tired. Jack started walking off and Tom was like get back out there buddy you are almost done. Jack replied. "but I need a hug and a kiss" ROFL! That is my little snugglebug.