Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Anniversary a few days late!

This week, on Tuesday, marked our 13th wedding anniversary. I can't believe it. Where has the time gone. We have actually been together 18 yrs. Tom and I have had a lot of challenges face us in our life and I am happy to say that I am more in love with him now than I was in the beginning. Going thru things like IVF, adoption, businesses, although very hard and frustrating, if you are strong it will only bring you closer together and make your love stronger. I feel we can get through anything that comes our way. My husband loves me for me and all my faults! LOL

Last night I made a candlelit dinner for him and we enjoyed an evening by ourselves. My MIL took Jack for the night. It was a much needed night since I kinda messed up the Indy trip. It was much nicer to be at home. We are home bodies and like it that way. We are going to enjoy a nice quiet morning and then go get Jack around lunch.

Tom has been working so hard lately on a project. It has really been going on since the fall and I am so sick of talking about "the project" It should be coming to an end this week and I feel like he will be able to relax a bit more. I told him he has to take a vacation in the next few weeks. Jack's spring break is the 23rd so I am hoping he can get that.

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