Friday, March 20, 2009

One Step Closer

I just found out there was another girl referral yesterday. That brings us one step closer. I think we are either #2 or #3. She told me the news on 3/6. According to the list there was a referral on 3/5. I don't think she included that as she said she thinks she was looking at a older list. So if we were in the top five and there has been two referrals then we would be #3. There were also two couples on hold. She believes that one has come off of hold. So if one is still on hold then we would be #2. This is all happening so quick! So exciting.

In other news...I have the flu. I got it from Jack. I had a 102.6 fever this afternoon and felt like death. My head is pounding. So this will not be a fun weekend. At least Tom won't be at work. Usually I get sick during the week so he is never home. Jack is feeling much better. His fever is gone, he is still just so tired and has a cough. He has taken a nap everyday this week and still gone to bed by 9. He has been laying on the couch for 5 days watching TV. Poor guy is so bored.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sick boy again

Jack is sick again with the same thing. A couple of weeks ago it was just a virus that he needed about 5 days to recoup from. The dry cough has been lingering ever since. This past weekend it was beautiful out and we were outside all weekend. He showed no signs of getting sick again. Monday morning when he got up from school he was hot and coughing more. So here we are day 3 of fever and cough. I decided to bring him into the Dr. again just to make sure his lungs were clear. Basically it is the same thing he had a few weeks ago. That just seems to strange to me. So we are having a lazy, stuck in the house...watching to much TV kind of week. I don't know how much more Spongebob I can take. He starts t-ball on Friday. I just hope he is OK to play. Tom has to go since he is a coach. So maybe if he doesn't feel like playing we can go and watch. Next week is spring break too; so two full weeks of no school...Fun stuff!

No news on the adoption front. I am waiting to talk to my social worker (SW) about the fees. She sent me a new sheet with the fees and they seem to have gone up quite a lot. We are scratching our heads a bit on where we will get all this money from. The agency has updated their website and there was another girl referral in Feb. So that is one girl referral for the last 5 months. So if they keep it going like that for the next 5 then I should have a referral by July if not sooner. It would be sooner if those other couples stay on hold. I just want that referral so I can start shopping! I can't take it. Since we are not completely sure of her age and when we will get her we don't want to buy too much for the wrong season. I do plan on taking advantage of the end of season sales this summer for next year that is for sure!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


These questions are going around on facebook. I thought I would post them here too. I asked Jack these questions.

1. What is something mom always says to you? STOP

2. What makes mom happy? HUGS AND KISSES

3. What makes mom sad? NO HUGS AND KISSES

4. How does your mom make you laugh? FUNNY JOKES AND SAYINGS

5. What was your mom like as a child? WHAT? THAT’S A HARD ONE

6. How old is your mom? 33

7. How tall is your mom? 24 FEET

8. What is her favorite thing to do? PLAY WITH JACK

9. What does your mom do when you're not around? DO WORK ON THE COMPUTER

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? BEING A MOMMY

11. What is your mom really good at? MAKING DINNER

12. What is your mom not very good at? PLAYING TENNIS ON THE WII

13. What does your mom do for her job? DOING WORK ON THE COMPUTER

14. What is your mom's favorite food? SPAGETTI

15. What makes you proud of your mom? PLAYING WITH ME

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? TOM FROM TOM AND JERRY

17. What do you and your mom do together? PLAY TRAINS AND LEGOS

18. How are you and your mom the same? WERE BOTH PEOPLE

19. How are you and your mom different? I AM A BOY AND YOU ARE A GIRL

20. How do you know your mom loves you? BECAUSE WE LIVE TOGETHER AND DO LOVEY STUFF

21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go? MIMI’S HOUSE

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Still so excited!

I am still just so excited of this news. I know we are still waiting, but since I think I can say that referral will most likely be in the next 6 months it feels SO real. FINALLY! And for it to all come full circle back to Korea is just amazing.

A little history for those of you who don't know or remember...

When I was in high school my mom started volunteering with some friends for an agency that dealt with the Korean adoptions. On certain occasions I went with her to help. Korea is the one country that will escort the babies here. You don't have to go there if you don't want. Most people choose to have them brought to the states. Back in the 80's airports were much more relaxed of who they let "behind the scenes". Anyways what the drill was that when notice of babies were coming in a group of us would go to the airport to take care of them. When the plane landed the escorts got to go thru customs on their own and we would go on the planes and take the babies off. We each would have a baby. We would then get them trough customs. They were usually a bit soiled and smelly from the long flight so we would clean them up and change them. Many of the babies had to go on to other cities that didn't have international airports so sometimes we were making a mad dash thru the airport to get them on that flight with the escort. But there were also times when local people would come pick up their child. Oh to witness such a thing. The joy on these peoples faces. It was so overwhelming even to me at 15 yrs old. A couple of times we even had to have a baby overnight because their flight didn't go out until the morning.

We would take pictures of them as their first on US soil. We would then get the parents information and made sure we sent them the info. They were always so grateful! My mom kept in contact with quite a few of the families over the years via letters and Christmas cards.

Before I was born my mom knew someone who had adopted from Korea and was seriously thinking of doing the same. She never did and whoops...I came along. When we started our 2nd adoption journey it was only fitting that we went with Korea. We started the process and really wanted a girl. Things were changing a lot with the program and 6 months had gone by without one girl referral. My SW wasn't sure what the outcome of the program was at the time. She notified us of the fairly short wait with China. It took some time for us to come around to the idea of having to go to China for a baby. That is a big journey. But, since Jack is part Chinese it only made sense. The paperwork was completely different so it took a bit of time to complete it. Obviously during this time something was going on in China that was changing the wait times. It had gone from 12 months to 14 each month went on it just seemed to grow longer and longer. Last fall when we reached the almost 2 yr mark I just couldn't take it anymore. I talked to my SW again and she then said that their Korean wait times weren't too bad and their lists weren't too long. Due to the fact that we were with Korea before and then switched she would see if she could squeeze us in the middle somewhere. Not in the top 10, but somewhere after that. Well I never called her back on it. We thought it could still take 18 months to 2 yrs and I just wanted a baby ASAP. We did sign up with our attorney for a domestic adoption. We have only been waiting a couple months for that. Since we went girl specific I figured it would take longer.

Well you know the rest from the last post. It was just the best surprise and news. Now I just image us standing outside of customs for someone to bring out our baby girl. Hurry up princess. Mommy is waiting for you.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The best news ever!!!

Well it isn't quite what you are thinking........

I called my SW yesterday as our fingerprints are about to expire and wanted to talk to her about what we should do with China. I haven't told her we moved forward with the domestic. The last we talked was in Nov when we were disucssing the Korea program. She was seeing if she could switch us over and get us put up higher on the list. She had said we couldn't be in the top 10 but somewhere shortly after that. Tom and I determined that it could still be 18 mos to 2 yrs and we just were sick of waiting. So we went with the domestic. Anyway...I left her a message to just call me. She called back and I wasn't home so she left a message that said "Oh I am so glad you called me cause you have moved up on the Korea list. Call me in the morning cause I am leaving for the day" WHAT?? I didnt know she put me on it. So all night I was thinking oh we must have made it to 10 or something. They can't tell you where you are on the list until you hit the top 10. They only get like one female referral a month, if even, so it doesn't move too quick. (they post it online). She finally called me back and she said we are.......

IN THE TOP 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My heart jumped out of my body. I started shaking and trying to hold back the tears. This means I could have a referral in about 5 months or less..or even more and they are taking about 4 months to travel. I COULD HAVE A BABY BY THE END OF THE YEAR!!!!!! I asked if we were #5 and she said well I can't really say. There are a few people on hold in there so just within 5. HOLY CRAP!

I know the domestic could happen in between this time but my heart still longs for that asian girl. And if you remember we were origianlly with Korea!!! I am so freaking excited I am shaking. I told my SW I loved her!!! I didn't know she put me on the list and now it is just a wonderful suprise.

We have all kinds of paperwork we have to change so we better get started!!

It is like I am could take 5 month to referral and 4 month to travel!! Tee hee!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sick boy and ramblings

I started this post on Sunday and never finished here it is with some added.

Sunday: Jack came down with something on Wed. At abour 4:00 he got a fever and his throat was really scratchy. I did bring him into the Dr. on Thursday because strep was going around his class. He was fine. But since then he has a horrible cough and still has a fever. He is going to miss his award ceremony today for soccer. His Daddy is still going to go (since he was a coach) and get it for him. He is pretty much just laying around and not eating much at all. He did sleep until almost 11 today.

Wed 3/4

Daddy got Jack's soccer trophy and he loved it. Jack still was pretty out of it on Monday. He did manage to sleep pretty late again on Mon and Tues. and I think that helped. He still has a little bit of a cough but seems to be better. Yesterday you could tell he was better but so bored because he was soooo naughty and mouthy!! I love being talked to like a piece of crap!

We signed Jack up for indoor t-ball. It starts in a couple of weeks. Tom signed on to be a coach for that too. I don't think he will like it as much, but with Tom being a coach hopefully he will. Also we called a friend and got them to sign up on his team too.

My brain isn't really working right now so I am just going to post this..sorry so boring.