Saturday, August 30, 2008


We were suppose to go to the neighbors today to go swimming and hang out. Ya know, the last summer horrah. Tom was outside, I was upstairs getting ready. I come down looking for Jack and find him in a ball with blankets sleeping. Ok so I let him sleep for a bit. When he wakes up he is fever hot! Wait a few min, take his temp...101.9. Crap. No fun for Mamma. Sitting in house on nice day doing nothing. Super! I swear he was around a bunch of kids at orientation the other day and he is already sick? Well we also went to the germ infested McDonalds too! Oh the joy of colds and sickness to come with school! I don't think he has been sick since Feb.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Michigan Trip

We went to Michigan this past weekend. Some friends of ours with a house up there invited us last minute on Tues. We had a lot of fun! It was just what we needed. We never got to do much of anything this summer. (we are still trying for a few day outings) It was the nice break and together time we needed as a family. We got there Friday night when it was already dark out. This is what I woke up to in the morning...ahhhhhh!

The kids playing in the water and sand.

Munchkin and Mr. T about to go tubing

We almost didn’t go. I had rash/bites on my back and side for a few days. Itched like crazy. About a week later I showed my MIL. Well she said she thought it looked like singles. Singles?? That is for old people not me..besides, I don’t have time for shingles, I am going to Michigan! Well then the itching made me look it up online. Crap, I think I have shingles. Well this is Thurs. night and we are suppose to leave Fri afternoon. The website said it is contagious to those who haven’t had chicken pox. GREAT! There are going to be 6 kids there. So I couldn’t wait to find out. That night I went to the primary care center to find out. Yep, got em! So I had to come home and call the two other families to see if their kids were all vaccinated for chicken pox. Thank God they were so we could still go. Still…why the heck to I have shingles? Ironic is when I went to get my prescription there was a cardboard standing thing with brochures in it for shingles. What were the the pictures of??? Senior Citizens!!! So confused. I guess you can get it if you are stressed too. Whatever! Then my friend, whose husband was just diagnosed with cancer, says “oh Mark had those in July, must have been the cancer.” Great, add more stress to me! Bottom line no matter how small of a case you have (mine is small) it is still annoying and darn it they hurt! Feels like someone is stabbing me with a hot poker! Plus I have to take these anti-viral horse pills. Not fun!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Referral Time!!

I guess I haven't posted about referrals in awhile. I guess it has been becuase there hasn't been anything exciting. The last few months have been 3-5 days at a time. So very disappointing. I can say that this month they referred 7 days which means they have finally completed January 2006. Only 329 more days until they get to my LID of 12.25.06. UGGH!!! I think it took them 5 or 6 months to just get thru January. That is SO insane. Everyone is hoping for a speed up after the olympics, but I don't see it. Really, what effect does the olympics have on it? But, China is a strange country so who knows. I mean come on lets have a cute girl lip sync a song because the real singer has some bad teeth! PLEASE! She is a child.

So where does this leave us? We just wait some more! After the 1st of the year we will see what is going on with everything. Can we really wait till 2011 for a child? I will be 40! Yikes. As I watch the olympics I do look at all the beautiful Chinese women and think my daughter can look like that someday. The wait is hard.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I am posting again...but not with good news

Another of my dear friends, who just happens to be in the same online group as Stacey, found out that her husband has cancer. Brenda has 4 beautiful boys 5 and under. She hasn't posted what type it is just that it is a malignant tumor the size of a tennis ball in his mediastinum (chest) around the aortas of the heart that has spread to his lymph nodes and possibly his bones.

There are no words for this. How can this happen to a 2nd person in our small group.

Please say a prayer for my dear friend and her family.

I love you Brenda!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Great America

First I can't believe that it has been this long since I posted. I really haven't had anything to post about. My summer seems to be quite boring.

Mr. T did get free tickets to Six Flags Great America. So we went on Sat. It was pretty crowded. It took us forever to get there. Gotta love summer road construction. So by the time we got there we had to pee and were hungry. We found the bathroom, which were already gross, and I had to of course wait in line for them. These are the times I hate being a woman. Then we walked aimlessly trying to find a place to eat. Mr. T picked some place and I got a beef and cheddar...eww. It was gross. So I filled up on french fries like Jack. Mr. T seemed to choke his down. Ok keep your eyes out for those giant soft pretzles. I am getting that next! I did eventually get one. YUMMO! What is it about soft pretzels and cheese. Oh the carbs are so good!!!

So as we were walking Munchkin noticed train tracks. "Mom, is there a train here?" "yes there is sweetie" "I wanna go on the big train now!" Ok well when we get to it. So we started to walk around. We got to this section that was bugs bunny and friends. There was a little train there that helped for a few minutes. Somehow he got lucky and got to sit in the engine!

Mr T. was a good sport too!

So then as we were walking to find the BIG TRAIN we found the cartoon area. There was a Scooby ride that made him happy for a minute.

There was a small roller coaster in this area but he just wanted that big train. So we kept walking. We found it finally and it was about to leave so it was good timing. We took it all the way around the part back to where we were at. When we were on it he saw the old time cars that you could drive and that was next. The line was really long, but he was ok. Here is daddy driving with his son!

After this we walked around some more. Got some ice cream. Took another potty break. Then we found the train again at another station. So we got back on it and rode it to the back of the park again were the small roller coaster was. After a long line wait he got on it. It was the Jetsons..Spacely Sprockets!

Going up!!!

Here I tried to get his face right when the car came to a stop. I zoomed in a little to much, but I think he liked it!!!

He did love it and if it wasn't 6:00 and such a long line we would have done it again. I just wish he would have done it earlier when we were in that area, but nope, had to find that big train. He was really a good boy all day. Better than I expected. I was proud of him!