Monday, February 25, 2008

Munchkin Monday

I have decided to start calling J-Munchkin and T-Mr. T in my blog. I realized that just putting their first initial is sometimes a bit confusing. I call him Munchkin all the time so it is only fitting. do I call him Mr., but it works for here!

We are getting more snow tonight! YUCK! I am soooooo sick of this winter. The fact that we may not have any relief for another month makes me crabby! I guess we really have been spoiled these last few years with mild weather.

The amaryllis is now 11 5/8 inches. That is 2 inches in a week! I have no idea when this thing is going to open or how tall it will get. Munchkin is getting impatient. He really wants to see the flowers. This kid really loves flowers and gardening. I bought him a whole kit for his birthday coming up in May. It has a snake/bug theme. I got the garden shovel/rake and gloves, cool lizard sprinkling can and bucket. He wanted to help me a lot last year. Of course this year he will probably not care! I tried to find the link at, but I am sorry, searching that site sucks! It is horrible. I can never find anything I am looking for at

I found out today that one of my best friends is PG with her 4th!!!! (OMG!) It was a total surprise to them! She said it happened the night of our Christmas dinner! (can you say too much to drink?) ROFL! We tried to get them to stay over that night because of the snow storm. Anyways...I am happy for them and wanted to shout out a big CONGRATS!!!!

What else is going on with me?? Nothing! Mr. T has really not been home. The business just released a new product so he has been working non stop from that. He took off a few days last week but was only home in until lunch then gone for the rest of the day and night. It has not been fun. Adds to my crabbiness. Munchkin misses his daddy. Plus because he hasn't been around we have been eating horribly. Munchkin was getting a bit better at trying things but I haven't even been cooking. I know I should be trying but why cook for me and him if he isn't going to eat it. I am in a rut!

Munchkin got the cutest haircut yesterday. I was going to take a picture of him today since no one has seen one lately, but Mr. T took the camera. Figures!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Honk Honk

So most 3 year old boys get curious about breasts...OK lets just call them boobs. Last summer he was really into them and was always touching them. He would press on them and say honk, honk, honk, honk. As bad as it was funny! But then with the 12 yr old neighbor girl who has a decent pair on her...not so funny! Luckily I had given her a head up on it. Not his shining moment! By the fall he had gotten away from it. He only does it once in a while now, I am assuming just to get a reaction out of me.

Which brings me to Wed. If any of you happened to see Ellen you would have seen this...

If you live in a box and don't know that is Christina Aguilera and she just had a baby....yes she is breast feeding. Can you believe the size of those things? Also, why wear a top like that...please! I do just have to share the conversation....

“Are you nursing?” Ellen jokingly asked.
“I guess it’s a little obvious,” Christina laughed, as she looked down.
“It’s gonna be a healthy boy!” Ellen said.


Anyway...on to my story... I was at my moms. She had turned a show on for J. When we were getting ready to leave he wouldn't pay attention to so I turned the TV to channel 5. Ellen was on and I looked up and said without thinking " holy boobs, mom you have got to come see these!" J giggled and said boobies! Like any kid would. So I go to the bathroom, come out and he is up at the TV. There is a close up of her like the one in the picture above and he has a hand on each one saying "honk, honk, honk, honk" Well I almost peed my pants. To see my son "honkin" a pair on the TV. Well now I thought I had seen it all. My mom was laughing so hard. Not a proud Mom moment!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Nothing Tuesday

Well I don't know what I have been busy doing? Trying to stay warm I guess. It is so flippin cold here!!! Although Sun got up to 51 degrees, melt all the snow and lots of rain only to drop into the freezing single digits. Now everything is ice and it is so windy making it just TOO COLD!!! This winter sucks. T keeps asking why we live in this place.

Sunday was our 12th wedding anniversary. T wasn't even here. He went to a trade show in Indianapolis.

J had a playdate with a boy from preschool today. We have been trying to get together for the last month, but everyone has been sick. This week they are finally all healthy but they got water in their basement so their house was a wreak. We ended up at McDonalds just so the boys could play. We couldn't dissapoint them anymore.

Also I know you were all just waiting for the results of the amaryllis that I was suppose to post on Sat. It is measuring at 9 5/8" I had to adjust the bulb a bit as the water in it was getting a bit stinky. It is just a bulb siting in water with a few rocks. No dirt. It was getting that fish tank smell. PU

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Monkey Story

So at dinner tonight Jack cracks a fart (such a boy!) so I said "you are such a monkey" This is the response I got....

"hey, don't call me that. I am not a monkey. Monkeys have tails. I don't have a tail. Monkey's use their tail to hang from trees. Does it look like I can hang from a tree? (I answer no) Trees can't grow in the house, silly. They are a plant and belong outside mommy. Trees get super tall (lifting arm in air showing me tall). They have the pointy things (he is making hand gestures of a pointy thing) that the leaves come out of when they grow. Some are big trees and some trees are little. Most branches are straight but some have branches that cruve like this (again making a jesture) I just listened in awe and shook my head. I didn't dare interrupt him, he was on a role. It is times like this you wish you could grab a video but know that getting up would ruin the moment. I love it when he rambles on with a story.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

How many Colors

Stolen from Cassie


I drew a complete blank. But then after I looked at the crazy list of colors I wouldn't have even come up with most of those. Some I was spelling wrong to they didn't accept fushia (spelled Fuchsia)

Happy Valentines Day

Hope you all have a day filled with love and laughter!
J has a little party at school today. I am sure he is going to come home with a back pack full of crap! What ever happened to just the paper valentines that you give out. Now everything is a treat bad that we all spend to much money on and most of the stuff gets thrown away. With that said...yes I did do treat bags! LOL I didn't do one at halloween and was shocked to see so many from the kids. I really did keep it down though. Just a sucker, two chocolates and a small glitter pen. I always think that it is a great project for us to sort them and count them and put them together. I was wrong. I guess it is a boy thing. Or maybe becuase it was all hearts and pink. He just wasn't interested in helping. Then we also decorated some heart cookies yesterday...again would have rathered played computer games. I can't wait for a girl who will hopefully be more into these things.
Tom and I went out to dinner last night for our anniversary. It is Sunday, but he will be in Indianapolis at a trade show. We will be married 12 years. OMG!!!! We went to the restaurant that we ate at the night we got engaged. It was yummy!
Update on the amarylis. It is now 6 3/4 inches high. That thing is growing like crazy! It is however starting to get a little stinky. It is just a bulb in a pot with a few small stones. So it is a bit stagnet. PU

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

J has a friend over today to play. I am on the computer and they are playing in the other room. Then I hear.

J - hey guess what?
Friend- what?
J - I love you
F- I love you too J.

Then I asked "did you just tell him you loved him?" J said yes and his friend said "he is my bestest friend in the whole world."

Isn't that just the cutest??? I taught my boy well. He probably tells me at least 5 times a day he loves me. You can't say it to them enough. J's favorite thing to do, besides trains, is snuggle. I call him my little snugglebug or my squishy.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Amaryllis

This is our little project. My mom bought J an amaryllis. He just loved flowers last summer. So she thought it would be fun to watch it grow. We got it last Saturday and this is what it looked like

So it is a week later and this is how much it has grown.

I was shocked to see it grow that much in a week. Not sure how long it will take to flower. They usually get much bigger. So stay tuned next Sat for the update. I know you can't wait!! LOL J is having fun watching it. I guess to make it more real I should measure it....ok hold on...(going to get tape to measure) is 3 7/8 inches. Didn't that just make your day! At least it is in a pretty red pot! I got these two other little single pot things at Target in the dollar section. One is a rose and one is a strawberry plant. You wet the dirt and put the seed in to watch grow. Something fun to do when it is cold outside. Watch flowers grow inside. I am sure I will kill them with too much water! ROFL New seedling things are hard to do.

Hope you are all having a great weekend!!

Purse Party

I had a purse party last night. I was excited, but I am soooo picky with my purses. I like big purses and they have to have sections. I don't like the bottomless pit purses. Those make me nutso. So seeing as most of the purses don't have sections, I was having a hard time with it. In the end I did end up with one that didn't have sections (it was free). But then I thought I could get the pursse organizer..but they are sold out of them...why..because they were on Oprah. I tell ya if it is on her show..they sell millions. I had good sales so I was able to get two purses. One was Coach and one Kate Spade. I also got a Coach key chain.

I HAD to get the polka dot purse. I am so in love with polka dots now. It is a bit smaller, but it has sections and it is for going out without kids! I never buy anything fun. I mostly carry my big purse cause it fits snacks, a sippy, wipes (always need those) and yes I have a spare pair of Elmo underware in there. ROFL I probably can take those out. He is really past that phase.

Here is the organizer

Ya know I want the polka dot one! They say they are backordered, but it doesn't say until when. Damn that Oprah!

Am I Normal

I got this from Suz blog.

You Are Fairly Normal
You scored 65% normal on this quiz
Like most people you are normal in some ways...But you aren't a completely normal person. You're a little weird too!
Why You Are Normal:
You think fishnet stockings are trashy
When you're in a car, you prefer to be the driver
You rather be screwed over than screw someone else over
If you had to, you rather live without music and still have laughter
You prefer the sun to the moon
Why You Aren't Normal:
If given the choice, you would choose to have more time over more money
You are no longer with your first love
You would rather be tan than pale
You prefer your family to your friends
You don't keep up with your horoscope

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year

All about Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is a holiday that celebrates the beginning of a new year according to the lunar calendar. It is considered to be one of the most important holidays for Chinese families.
The holiday is celebrated with big family gatherings, gift giving, the eating of symbolic foods and display of festive decorations--all focused on bringing good luck for the new year and celebrating the coming of Spring.

When Is Chinese New Year?

The start of Chinese New Year changes every year since it is dictated by the lunar calendar. The Gregorian or solar calendar--which is based on the Earth's movement around the sun and has a fixed number of 365 days a year (366 during a leap year)--is the most widely used calendar system in the world and has been the official calendar used in China since 1912.
But in China the lunar calendar is still used to determine traditional holidays like Chinese New Year. Since the lunar calendar is based on the phases of the moon-- which has a shorter cycle than the sun--Chinese New Year is never on the same day each year, but typically falls somewhere between January 21st and February 20th. For 2008, Chinese New Year falls on February 7th. In 2009 it falls on January 26th.

How Long Do Chinese New Year Celebrations Last?

According to Daria Ng, Assistant Curator of Education at the Museum of Chinese in the Americas in New York City, celebrations can actually last up to a month, especially in China.
Originally the celebrations lasted for lengthy amounts of time because China was a very agriculture-based country so farmers took the whole month off to rest since crops couldn't be planted during the winter. Nowadays most families celebrate the New Year for about two week's time, says Ng, starting on the first day of the new year and end on the 15th.

This new show starts today. I am very excited for J to start watching it. He has already been playing some of the games on Nick Jr. Ni Hao, Kai-lan is a play-along, think-along series that weaves together Chinese language and culture, preschool-relatable stories, and interactivity, with Kai-lan as your intimate friend and playmate!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Congrats to everyone who got to see the face of their precious baby this month. CCAA took the nice info box away so I can't post it anymore. 8 days were referred this month. They are thru Dec 27, 2005. So close to closing out 2005. UGGH! Now they are all on Chinese New Year holiday so next month will probably be a smaller batch.

I also just read somewhere that November 2006 is out of the review room. So December is next! This news doest't really mean anything except that someone is at least looking at my dossier and it isn't collecting dust on a shelf this month! Once Dec. is out of review it means that our paperwork is fine and we can go in the "to be referred" stacks. There should be about 3 inches of dust on it before they get to them.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

I've been tagged by Cassie

Here are the rules:
1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers.

2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name).

3. After you are tagged, you need to update your blog with your middle name and your answers.

4. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name.
(Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and that they need to read your blog for details.)


J ~ Jovial - defined as...endowed with or characterized by a hearty, joyous humor or a spirit of good-fellowship. Sure that will work

O ~ Optimistic..ya right, me? Well I am a pessimist at heart. I know I need to work on that. I am trying to be optimistic that we will bring home our little princess by the end of 2009 or early 2010. I refuse to listen to some of the other rumors making it longer.

Y ~ Yo-Yo. My feelings about this adoption are like a yo-yo. Some days happy and can’t wait, some days just angry that it is taking so long. So days wonder why I am even doing it at all cause I can’t even handle the one I got.

Ok those were so lame…but I was tagged.

Ok I only have to tag 3 people. I tag
Krista – so you will get back to blogging

Sorry guys!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Old Movies

So if you were watching "Can't Buy Me Love" as I did last night, you probably wouldn't classify it as an old movie. It's not like you are watching a Cary Grant movie. But this movie was from 1987. That is 21 years ago. That is OLD!!!! I can't believe that I can say "oh ya, I saw that about 21 yrs ago" That is just insane. This getting old stuff is for the birds! There are so many things that hit me these days that happened over 10 yrs ago and it just ages me. Heck I will be married 12 years on the 17th. That is LONG!

Anyways...I always loved that movie and saw that is was coming on so I Tivod it. Patrick Dempsy was a cutie then and I always liked him after that movie.

Wow I just did a search on his name and the first picture I found was this one. The first pic is him from 1987 for the movie! He is dreamy!

I am feeling SO much better today. By late afternoon yesterday the achy went away. I just am a little stuffy now. I took J off the antibiotic. I couldn't handle the poops anymore. He need to get back to solid if he is going to go to school on Tues. The Dr. said it was ok. We go in next friday for a follow up to see if it went away.

Since I am feeling better we will be going to a friends house tomorrow for Superbowl. I am so excited to get out of this house!!! The kids will mostly play in their basement so we can sit in peace and talk like adults! Yeah!

Friday, February 1, 2008

He is eating eggs!!!

He was just watching Max and Ruby and they were eating fried eggs. He came in the kitchen and said I want to try an egg. I was like what?? He still has a bad belly so I said no. Well he proceded to throw a fit. Then he said how am I suppose to get big if I don't try eggs. (see they really do listen to you when they want). So I went and whipped up one scrambled egg. I had him help me do it. He tasted it and said "mmm, see I told you I would like it". He ate some of it. Only about 5-6 bites, but he ate some which is the important things. I am so proud!

Baby steps to this eating steps

Secret Pal Gift

It was time for Secret Pal again. This months theme was chinese new year or valentines day. My secret pal said she couldn't find anything for the Chinese holiday so she sent valentines things. Thank you very much Secret Pal!! J loved his gifts. Whenever we see Grandpa he always gives J few dollars for his college fund. So after he got the spidey wallet he brought it over there and said "Grandpa, can you put some college fund money in here?" It was too cute and Grandpa got a big kick out of it.

Speaking of China if you haven't already heard about the devestating weather over there they are really having a hard time. My heart goes out to all those people. I pray that all the orphanages are ok. If you would like to read an update on how they are doing you can go here.

The Flu

Well I have the flu. I am achy from my head to my toes. I had the chills all day. Last night I had a 102 fever. I haven't had that in such a long time. Man I felt like my eyeballs were gong to burn out of my head. Even my gums hurt. I took some tylenol PM and went to bed. I woke up at 4ish in a complete puddle! ewww. Luckily I still slept good. Still so achy this morning. Not looking forward to another day stuck in the house with J. We are both so bored. He has started to act out and get really bossy. Have any of you ever noticed that your child seems to act different with on meds? J is on amoxicilian (sp?) he is just really acting out and I think it is the medicine. He was on a cold medicine a year ago that made him nuts. I wouldn't think that an antibiotic would do it, but you should hear how he is talking to me. Like it came out of nowhere. Yesterday the BM wasn't as bad as the day before, but he is still on watch! I have him in pull ups just in case he lets one loose! I don't know if I can keep him on the antibiotic for 10 days. I did call the dr. the other night and she said if it is really unmanageable, then go off of it.

We got a ton of snow last night. I think maybe 6-8 inches. It all melted a few days ago and here we are again. This is the wackiest winter!

We are invited to a friends house for Superbowl. I will have to see how I feel. Maybe I will just send Tom and Jack. I do want to go though. I haven't gotten out in a bit.

Hope you all have a nice weekend.