Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

Ok so I am a day late, but can't we wish that every day? Hope you had a great day.

Mine was very nice despite the horrible weather. It was pouring for hours and cold and windy! It did clear up by the later part of the day.

We went to breakfast in the morning...which is a nice change...we never go out for breakfast. Of course going out on the day that everyone else does creates a bit of a wait...but it wasn't bad. We put our name in then went and got a starbucks for Tom and came back. Then we went to my MIL for a bit. Came home for a couple of hours then went by my moms for cake. I made the gift really easy for Mr. T. There was a polka dot coffee mug at the grocery store with an ivy plant in it. I really just wanted the mug, but a plant is good too. I had a cute red pot already to put it in. Then Munchkin picked out a huge ballon for me of a giant rose. This thing is almost 2 ft. wide! Mr. T said that after he picked it he went running thru the deli section and ended up hitting everyone in the head that was waiting at the deli counter! ROFL! I would take pictures of it but the camera is at the warehouse. They went out Sat night to get it and I had them get me a Dairy Queen blizzard on the way home...yummers!

Munchkin has been in the "non-listening" mode the last week or so. I have really had it. Then when he doesn't get his way then he gets angry and grunts and whines. I have had to get tougher and put him in the naughty chair more or take things away. Don't think it is working.

Hope you have a nice week!

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