Monday, November 17, 2008

Snow, Signs and Decisions

First off, yesterday there was huge snow flakes falling from the sky. At first it was pretty then it just reminded me that winter is near and it needed to stop. There was some snow stuck to the roofs today and on on the grass and mulch, but nothing was covered. Today there are flakes falling again. My husband wants to know why we live here. He hates winter. I really do to. Too cold!!

OK so after my sign from Jack on Friday I got a different sign on Sat. I sat down Sat. night to watch CSI and the whole show was about Koreans! Come on! An entire show taking place around Korea town and a little Korean boy! OK mess with me some more.

My SW called this morning with the decision. The decision was that all new people in the Korea program have to go at the end of the list. However, they are going to make an exception for us since we were originally in the Korea program. We won't be put at the top but not at the bottom. Not in the top 10 either but just below it. She wouldn't say if it was 11 or 15. So lets just say we are #15. I don't think they even had 15 girl referrals this year. She is saying (without knowing for sure) that it would be a 12-18 month wait for referral. Then travel is anywhere from 2.5 mos to 6 mos after that. So total time 18 mos to 2 yrs or go domestic and see what happens. That is our decision to make. I will let you know when we make it.


Tracy said...

Oh Man Ali, what a tough decision. It is so hard to put all your eggs in one basket. I pray that Jack gets his baby sister soon! He is so funny and says THE FUNNIEST things. I am so into him too!

azjenn said...

Oh man you should so be able to jump to the front of the line. Can you put your profile out there for domestic while you wait for the Korea referral? I'm not sure how much you've alredy pd or will have to pay to switch back to Korea.

Jack is a hoot!