Thursday, May 5, 2011


Ella turned 9 months on 4/27 and she is just amazing. She is basically doing everything but walking. I think she did it all in a matter of a couple of days. We didn’t see this type of action from Jack. He was very happy to just chill. He would sit and watch TV if I put it on. She will look at it for a minute and then take off. I went to BRU today and bought one of those big playpen things. I am sure she will hate it!! She is also my little piggy. I don’t think there is really anything she hasn’t eaten yet that I have gave her. She is eating everything. Dinner is pretty much all people food. Darn, I have a lot of baby food left. I always tend to over buy. It is so nice to put food on her tray and get something done while she eats! My hardest thing is trying to think of things to feed her. Her naps are still kinda all over the place. The length is not consistent. But, she naps so I guess I shouldn't complain. I know moms with babies that don't sleep much. One other thing about Ella is her happy is a grunt/growl. You would think it would be a happy screech or something...nope it is a devilish growl...not the noise I thought would come out of my cute little girl!!

Jack turned 7 on May 1st. I just can't believe he is that old already! We had a family celebration on Easter since it was so late this year. The for is kid party he had 4 boys sleep over (one boy couldn't stay) It went much better than I thought it would. They all had a lot of fun. I think I will do it again next year. It was so cheap!!!

Jack’s school had a Mother’s day tea for all us moms. It was just the cutest thing and very hard not to cry. They even had little Kleenex packages out for us! They read poems, sang us songs and gave us all kinds of cute things to hang on the fridge. Jack did awesome! He is such a little ham up there! Now if they only acted that sweet and cute all the time!!

On 5/2 the government finally got Osama Bin Laden. I told Jack all about it in the morning, however, he had heard stuff on and off during the day (ie the bus drivers radio) So when he got home from school he asked me... "Mom, did Obama die?" "No honey it is Osama Bin Laden not Obama" "Ohhhhh, they sound the same!!"

That is about it over here. I sure hope this weather will get better soon so Ella and I can go for walks. Any day it seems to get warm, it is too windy. Babies hate wind!

1 comment:

Earthchild618 said...

That mother's day tea sounds soooo sweet. Maddox bought flowers at the plant sale and was beyond excited about it! I can't believe how big the baby is getting. Why do they grow so fast?