Friday, April 22, 2011

Turning 40

I turned 40 on Wed, Apr 20th. At first I was totally ok with it. I am a mom of an infant and just have time to worry about it. Then it seemed more and more people were talking about it. So it was twisting the knife just a little bit each time. Ella has started to get mobile so it has been harder to manage my time on a daily basis. Then she got sick. Then I got my period. I have also been needing to have one of those talks with my husband about a bunch of stuff, so that was stressing me out. Well I don’t know what happened, but I woke up Wed morning and I was a wreck! Ella wouldn’t nap and just needed a few minutes to myself. It was my birthday after all. Lets not forget that my husband gave me a dozen red roses. Great right…except he gives me those for everything. No extra thought..stop at the grocery store to get them… and really red..again. Please just can’t you buy yellow or pink. I have even told him that before. Uggh. (I do need to say that we bought ourselves an iPad for our 40ths so that was our gifts) Anyway.. I was just an emotional basket case. At one point Ella was in her room screaming and I was in my room in a ball on the floor crying. I am not a crier. It really takes a lot, but this just got me. Then in the afternoon I finally got her down for a nap. She was only down for about 30 min when I Dad just stopped by…dog barking…baby wake up. I thought I was going to loose it!! I can’t deal with cranky sick baby anymore.

Luckily my mom is a great listener and let me vent. She had a bad 40th too so she totally understood. I had to gather myself by the evening because my mom had planned a wonderful dinner with my sister, niece, MIL, and best friend. We went to Francesca’s. It was wonderful! It was just what I wanted to get out of my funk. The food was wonderful. The company was wonderful. I got some beautiful gifts and my mom ordered the yummiest cake. It even had polka dots on it!! My MIL made these cute little goodie bags for all of us with cookies and chocolates.

So after my day that I felt horrible and sorry for myself, it was offset by wonderful family and friends who love me. Happy 40th Birthday to me!

Oh and you would think that 4 people with a smartphone would take some pictures..but no!

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