Saturday, August 30, 2008


We were suppose to go to the neighbors today to go swimming and hang out. Ya know, the last summer horrah. Tom was outside, I was upstairs getting ready. I come down looking for Jack and find him in a ball with blankets sleeping. Ok so I let him sleep for a bit. When he wakes up he is fever hot! Wait a few min, take his temp...101.9. Crap. No fun for Mamma. Sitting in house on nice day doing nothing. Super! I swear he was around a bunch of kids at orientation the other day and he is already sick? Well we also went to the germ infested McDonalds too! Oh the joy of colds and sickness to come with school! I don't think he has been sick since Feb.

1 comment:

Earthchild618 said...

Oh no! I hope he is feeling better soon and can enjoy the holiday weekend.