Friday, March 6, 2009

The best news ever!!!

Well it isn't quite what you are thinking........

I called my SW yesterday as our fingerprints are about to expire and wanted to talk to her about what we should do with China. I haven't told her we moved forward with the domestic. The last we talked was in Nov when we were disucssing the Korea program. She was seeing if she could switch us over and get us put up higher on the list. She had said we couldn't be in the top 10 but somewhere shortly after that. Tom and I determined that it could still be 18 mos to 2 yrs and we just were sick of waiting. So we went with the domestic. Anyway...I left her a message to just call me. She called back and I wasn't home so she left a message that said "Oh I am so glad you called me cause you have moved up on the Korea list. Call me in the morning cause I am leaving for the day" WHAT?? I didnt know she put me on it. So all night I was thinking oh we must have made it to 10 or something. They can't tell you where you are on the list until you hit the top 10. They only get like one female referral a month, if even, so it doesn't move too quick. (they post it online). She finally called me back and she said we are.......

IN THE TOP 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My heart jumped out of my body. I started shaking and trying to hold back the tears. This means I could have a referral in about 5 months or less..or even more and they are taking about 4 months to travel. I COULD HAVE A BABY BY THE END OF THE YEAR!!!!!! I asked if we were #5 and she said well I can't really say. There are a few people on hold in there so just within 5. HOLY CRAP!

I know the domestic could happen in between this time but my heart still longs for that asian girl. And if you remember we were origianlly with Korea!!! I am so freaking excited I am shaking. I told my SW I loved her!!! I didn't know she put me on the list and now it is just a wonderful suprise.

We have all kinds of paperwork we have to change so we better get started!!

It is like I am could take 5 month to referral and 4 month to travel!! Tee hee!!!

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