Thursday, December 13, 2007

Life keeps going

How strange to go about my busy day of Christmas shopping, bringing my son to school and preparing for a party. My day and life continues. My friends Stacey is laying in a hospital bed. Just lost her baby and now is diagnosed with Luekemia. I know her life isn't over but life must go on for me as well. I feel like I should be more sad. I am really sad...but taking care of a 3 yr old during the day doesn't let you really be sad when he is talking about Santa and Christmas parties and just so excited in general. Then as the day quiets down and I sit with my thoughts I feel the sad creep back in. What kind of Christmas is she going to have? Will she even be home? Her two precious boys asking where their mommy is. Her laying in that bed just wishing she can snuggle with them to help the hurt go away.

Stacey I wish you could feel my hugs. I know you need them. Feel my tears as they fall down my face. I am sure you are all cried out by now. I wish I could make the pain go away. I wish I could help you feel less scared of what you are about to go thru. However, I know that you will get thru it. You are one of the most optimistic people I know. That alone puts you ahead of the rest. I will be here for you if you need me. I love you! Now get well soon!!!!!!


Unknown said...

A beautiful entry. Made me cry yet again for Stacey.

Hope you have a nice time at your party!

Earthchild618 said...

I know how you feel. This is such a beautiful time for so many of us and yet there are people we love that are suffering the worst things...

Big hugs hon...

Unknown said...

Hi Ali-- I know how you feel. I keep looking at my tree and thinking of Stacey. I wish we all lived in Gabby World-- where we could see each other daily.