Friday, September 19, 2008


We went to the zoo yesterday. It was one of those perfect weather days. Just beautiful. Also since all the kids are back in school no crowds!! Just wonderful. I let Jack bring a friend with him, his buddy Jimmy (Jimbo)

What is it that you ask if they want to sit in a wagon so you spend the money renting one then all they do is pull it and not actually sit in it. That was a waste of $8.00. Man the zoo is expensive. I know I should eat before or bring my own stuff. I just hate carrying big bags and all kids of stuff with. Since it was my only time at the zoo this year I figured we could just go all out. But not cheap I tell ya.
Still on the list before it gets cold is the train museum and the train ride...We will do it!!!
All of a sudden we have been bombarded with birthday parties. A couple are family, neighbor and a few friends. Man I do not have the money for all this. I am trying to save for Christmas. This summer between my water bill for watering the grass (I refuse to have brown grass) and my AC bill I am broke! I still need to get some new fall clothes for me and Tom. Jack is all set except for his winter coat. I bought some stuff and then my wonderful Mom bought the rest. She usually buys a good chunk of his wardrobe. Gotta love MiMi!!
Gotta run for now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm right there with you saving( or trying to) for Christmas.
Sounds like you had a great day at the zoo.