Saturday, January 10, 2009

Professor Jack

This evening Jack started drawing a picture. When I asked him what it was he told me it was bones. Then I thought they were pretty good looking and was like wow that really does look like a bone. I asked him where he got that from and he said the vet office where they had pictures of the bones of animals. Just so you know were were at the vet at least a month ago.

Then he starts to pull 2 chairs over to the middle of the kitchen and told Tom and I we had to come see what what going on. We were told to sit on the two chairs that were in front of his drawing taped on the cabinets. The video below is what we were shown.

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

When I asked him afterwards where he got the pointing to the paper from he answered Tom and Jerry. I know we all remember episodes where Jerry is trying to teach the little mouse in the cute white diaper how to do things. I really wish I knew how their brains worked sometimes. He just amazes me!


Auntie Ar said...

You are right!! He is something else. WHERE did he get all those words and ideas?? Hes 4-1/2, are you sure?? Well he certainly impresses me, but then he is MY boy and I know he has a lot stored up in that adorable, brilliant head of his. What a cutie he is!!

Tracy said...

He is a crack up! Who needs TV when you have such entertainment in your house!

azjenn said...

Oh that is hilarious! I loved hearing his voice, I think that's the 1st time I've heard it!