Friday, January 2, 2009


Do you make resolutions? I don't. I mean, come on, do you really keep them? Why set yourself up for disappointment. Oh sure we think about them. We think about what we would like to accomplish this year, but we really do them. NO!

-Would I like to loose a few pounds? Well ya and maybe I will watch what I eat for a week then I am sure I will have some sort of reason why I just ate a bag of M&M's

-Do I want to work out? Well no, no I don't want to work out. Will I work out? I probably will start something at some point, but then I will get sick or Jack will get sick or I just won't do it. Ya know, the usual.

-Will I start to eat healthier? This I will attempt to do as best I can. But you know there is always the nights that a good ole beef sandwich is calling my name. I cannot deprive myself of greatness.

-I will save more money. Really? Please?? So not gonna happen. Especially if we get a baby this year. Also, you don't think that I will be accidentally buying little girl things here and there.

I will try and be a more positive/optimistic person. Hmmm,read above you think I am off to a good start?

All in all, I do hope for many good things this year....all of which I really have no control over.

1 comment:

Earthchild618 said...

I am with you...I do not even try to make resolutions b/c I think it is just a huge setup for a huge depression b/c of the huge failure when you do not achieve your resolutions.

I "try" to work on the "problem" areas instead of making resolutions. However, that little tactic seems to work just as good as the resolution tactic lol.

Happy New Year! My wish for you in 2009 is that your family increases by one tiny little baby!!!