Thursday, January 8, 2009

What do they do in there?

What is it with kids washing their hands and hand towels? It is so hard to get them on the counter or hang them back on the towel rack? Why are they always in a ball? Why are they always soaking wet? What are they doing in there??? These are questions though that I will never get answered now that my son is at the age to wash his own hands. Once I gave up the compulsion to "have to do it for him" so as not to make a huge mess; I also relinquished the rights to know what he does in there. I hear the water run for a long time. His hands are small, shouldn't have to use that much! Plus the soap seems to disappear at a very fast rate. They just love to pump those things. There is usually foam soap all over the sink and the wall. (thank goodness most people don't use bar soap anymore) Then the towels. In our powder room we have a pedestal sink which he needs a step stool to use. We have a nice wood one in there with a top that lifts up with a little storage space. We all know that kids love to put things in small why not a wet towel? Yes, usually I find my nice hand towels shoved in the little compartment...nice and wet. Then when I do usually realize it is missing and look in there I am also surprised to find a sock, a hot wheels car and maybe some crumbs of some sort.

But as I clean it all up while shaking my head in disgust....I have to sit and think that my little man is getting bigger an doing so many more things on his own and it is wonderful. I do love how he is more independent. Now.....if I could only get him to wipe his own butt!!!

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