Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I am not alone

So now my son goes to preschool. Yeah, 2 hours two times a week to do what I want....oh wait.... DH has "work from home day" on Tuesdays. He is here, in my house..go away. This is my time. I want to be alone in the peace and quiet to do what I want. You have a warehouse to go to...leave. Please!

Is that too mean? Too bad. Mommy needs her time!!!! Love you sweetie!

On another note. Today is 9/11. Thoughts and prayers to all those to lost and suffered.


Earthchild618 said...

Rotflmao! I know what you mean. I used to have off on one day that my hubby didn't have off. It was glorious to have the house to myself. If he stayed home that day...I was mad!!!

Stacey said...

Ali...I've just caught up with your entries! I love your new site, VERY NICE!

I am so excited that you are waiting for a baby...and yes, it is just like you are pregnant! WoooHooo! I pray that someone picks you very soon!

I don't remember ever seeing pictures of how J's room was painted before, but I LOVE it with the blue and yellow and stars and the way the colors are faded into one another. Did you guys do that yourself? I love the bedding as well.

And too funny about wanting T out of the house...I would be the EXACT same way! Get out! Ha-Ha