Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sick again!

J is sick and I am sick! YUCK! My boy who never got sick has now been sick 3 times since the beginning of Oct. He of course gave it to me. I did find out that about 16 kids were out sick in preschool today. That is like half of the kids (two classes). Man there must have been some really sick kid last Tuesday that gave it to everyone! Oh no........(15 min later) OK, ewww....So J was running around with his dump truck. Running makes him cough more....he coughed so hard he threw up....his green (watermelon) yogurt he had at dinner...EWWWWW. You have to know that I am not used to this. This is a kid that hasn't gotten that kind of sick yet. I haven't had to clean up the gross puke in the bed or elsewhere. EWWW

So before I started to feel like complete crap I thought I better get my decorations up. Plus my cleaning lady is coming tomorrow and I would want her to vacuum up all the glitter from everything. So while J was napping, I turned on my Christmas music and got busy. It is officially Christmas when I hear Barbara Streisand's "Jingle Bells" song. I know what you are saying.... Barbara Streisand?????? Come on we all grew up with her. My mom LOVED her and actually I always liked her music. But her Christmas album is really good. She sings Jingle Bells like no other. If you haven't hear it before, check it out. I tried to figure out how to put it on here but it was too complicated. I have to go lay on the couch now. I am beat and my nose is running way to much.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Oh no...poor Jack...poor you. :( So far we've only had to deal with a couple of runny noses this year. *knock on wood*. Hope he's feeling better soon.

I'm not sure if I've heard Barbara's rendition of Jingle Bells or not...so now I'll make sure I listen! We're decorating this weekend!