Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wet Wednesday

It has rained now non stop for 2 days, only to follow up with a bunch of snow tonight! Happy Thanksgiving. We didn't finish our yard work yet. What were we thinking? The grass still needs one more cut and there are leaves everywhere. Hopefully it will dry up next week for us to do it. It will be cold though. Dummies!!!

We would have done it on Sun but we went out of town. We took J to Timber Ridge Water park. It is one of those indoor places. My BF came with also. We only went for one night. We had a blast. J loves the water. They even have those big tube slides there. They said J could go down if he went on an adults lap. It was the kind with the big innertubes. OMG! he loved it. The couldn't go on it enough. It also had about 60 stairs to the top and his little legs went up it every time. Of course he thinks we should go back every day now. Silly me forgot my camera so I had to use my BF's. I only got a couple of them coming out of the tube. I will post them when I get them.

I am having Thanksgiving so I was cooking today. My mom makes a few things so it is easier. We are only having 8 for dinner then my BIL and SIL come at dessert time. This year my sister has to go to her inlaws. I wish she was coming here.

T has the whole week off. I feel like I don't know what day it is since we were gone Monday felt like Sunday and since he is home it feel like the weekend. I am all turned around. We don't have anything planned for the weekend. I guess just taking out the Christmas stuff!!

One cute thing. Tom was putting together a metal cart tonight for his business and Jack was helping. Check out how....

Ok how excited am I that I learned how to do that slide show!!!!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I love when little boys 'help' their daddy's. Too cute!!