Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Feelin' better!

It is amazing what a little antibiotic will do....

Yesterday evening he was still coughing so much. He actually threw up from coughing so hard. That was gross. But I was talking to one of my friends on YIM who is a nurse and she said they give benadryl a lot to calm the coughing down. That worked great. He hardly coughed the whole night. He was a very different kid today and by this evening was starting to jump around like crazy...of course that made him cough...so we made him relax. I feel like we can actually go out tomorrow. Besides the Dr. yesterday and stoppng at the store for the prescription..I haven't left the house since Thrusday. UGGH!

I am still fighting a scratchy throat. I hope that is all it is. Sorry I have nothing intersting to say. My brain is numb. I think I have just watched too many episodes of Backyardigans and Diego the last 5 days.


suzzcq70 said...

Housebound with sick kids is tough! Glad to hear he's feeling better, and I hope you don't catch it!

Unknown said...

Hope everyone feels better soon. Love the new blog look!