Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tonights Bedtime Conversation

We were reading the book "Tummy Mommy." It is an adoption book that we have read before. One of the pages talks about an empty cradle that they wanted to fill. The couples face was sad, but he thought it was angry. So the conversation goes like this.

J- Why is he angry

M- He's not, he is sad cause they want a baby and need to find a special woman that will give them one.

J- oh you found a special lady named L*

M- Yes, sweetie just like her.

J- Oh ya I came out of her tummy. We were are the hospital and I just came out.

M- Yes sweetie

J- So how does the baby come out? out of the tummy or her mouth or what???

M- (thinking, OMG do I really have to have this conversation with him) Well....(long pause)...some babies come out of a mommy's private parts and some come out of the tummy. The Dr. has to cut the mommy here (showing him) and they take the baby out

J- Does it hurt when they cut the mommy's tummy? (thankful he didn't ask about the private part)

M- Well they give them special medicine so they don't feel it.

J- Then do they put the tummy back together?

M- *snicker* yes they do

J- How do they do that

M- Well they use stiches or staples

J- From a stapler??

M- Well ya kinda but it is special for dr's to use.

J- Oh ok

Then I finish the book. There is the words "tender care" in the end and of course it just turns into.."mommy sometimes a coal car is also called a tender." Believe me he can always find way to get the conversation back to trains.

Whew...that one was stressful!!

1 comment:

Earthchild618 said...

Good job Mommy! You did well with that one. I would have said something stupid.